The elephants- The only thing that really caught Bradleys attention
LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A Circus Act
Sometimes my life feels like a three ring circus so I decided to go check one out to compare! And yes, very have several things going on at once and you have to juggle all of it! No, seriously though, Brad and I had bought tickets to take Bradley to the circus in Virginia Beach like a month ago and then his surprise deployment happened and he couldnt be there. I felt so bad about waisting the tickets that I drove from MD to VB, went to the cricus that evening and then left the next morning to drive back to NC. Lets just sum it all up by saying that I look forward to trying this again when Bradley is 3. he wasnt as fascinated as I thought he would be. No matter how many lights or sounds or animals you flash before a two year olds eyes, they still have ADD at this age. He discovered the seats fold up since his body didnt weigh enough to hold him down and that was way cool and then he wanted to what! What more do you need to see kiddo, look at all the cool stuff in front of you! Anyways, we still had a wonderful time with my friend Becky who was still in VB waiting for her husbands return also. we invited her and her 5 month old Carter! we love spending time with them and her and Bradley love each other. Just like most of my friends...Bradley likes them more than me when they are around! Its the "Cool, you're not my Mommy" phase! I hope to post more of Brad being home later!
The elephants- The only thing that really caught Bradleys attention
has a lady by his mouth- YIKES! But what sweet animals!
The elephants- The only thing that really caught Bradleys attention
My Great Aunt Ruth
My Great Aunt Ruth turned 90 in April and we stayed a week after easter to be able to go to the celebration. She lives in Florida alone since my Uncle Don had passed years ago. So the family flew her in and threw her a big clebration b/c lets face it, 90 is a BIG DEAL! I had a great time and loved Bradley's independence at my cousins house. He had tons of cousins to play with and they have a kick ass play set and john deer truck that they drive all over their big yard. He played for like 5 hours straight without asking me for "milk" or juice" which toddler moms could appreciate. I also never changed his diaper that whole time either. i was letting the freedom happen! he also got on his first big boy swing this day too! As the pictures show grammy pushing him. We had a wonderful time and this is when our Maryland trip ended. we left the next day to drive back to VB as you will see in the next post!
Im a big boy now!
He loves Grammy
Im a big boy now!
Ava and Aubrey
Ok- Im really behind on psting our events. Well, the continuation of our trip to maryland while Brad was on his mini deployment. Here is a picture of Bradley and his Friend Ava who is the daughter of my BF Shannon. Then there are a few more pics of Bradley and his cousin Aubrey having one of their "good" moments! And I had to throw in Bradleys golf swing which is pretty good! Better than Charles Barkers but not as good as Tigers yet!
Bradley and Ava running up the driveway
(we were making them pick flowers, aka...those little yellow weeds that grow in the grass)
The next Tiger (once he stops swinging backwards)
Bradley and Ava running up the driveway
(we were making them pick flowers, aka...those little yellow weeds that grow in the grass)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Easter 2009
Our Little Man this Easter! The pictures downoaded in the wrong order again...I hate that! He had a lot of fun and I learned he can shove a hole egg full of jelly beans into his mouth at one time! Some of you may already know but our plans changed the friday before Easter. Brad got sent away on an urgent mission. He went to work that morning and then called me that afternoon and said he had to go a way for a while! We dont know exact details of anything (as we shouldnt) and unfortunately we dont have a date of his return yet either! I got to speak with him last Sunday ( a week after Easter) and he sounded well rested and positive and said he was safe! Please pray he will come home safely very soon! We really miss him! So, since that happened we drove to maryland friday night to be with my family and stayed a week!
Caught with a Jelly Bean
Just a few pics of us being goofy at the apartment 2 nights before Brad deployed. Bradley can take pictures now and actuelly took a really good pic of Brad and I and I accidentally deleted it when I was flipping through my camera. I was so upset especially because I miss him so much so it makes you treasure pictures even more! bradley found these stickers that went to Brads guitar hero game and he used them that night and the next day we went all over town in Virginia Beach with him having stickers all over shi clothes! So funny! Enjoy our 3 and 4 eyed monster faces!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Miniature Golfing!
This past Saturday we took Bradley min. golfing and it was hilarious. Luckily under 4 years old id free and Brad and I discovered why! He had A.D.D. like so bad. He was running all over the place (luckily it wasnt busy) looking at all the safari animals and jumping off all the bricks, bridges and rocks. He only actually putted the ball a few times. Instead every hole he would just run on the green, find the hole and then drop his ball in the hole and say "Yeah, I did it!" Then get the ball out and run ahead of us to the next hole! The little golf club was so cute though! He was also upset that the last hole took his ball forever. He said "Where'd it go mommy, I dont see it!" Then the next day Brad and I had a date which we just took a picture before we left. Our friends Brian and Becky watched Bradley again and the just love him! We really enjoyed watching Carter the night before for their date and Bradley says "I love Baby Carter" so I am convinced he is going to have a very big heart for his brother or sister!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Childrens Museum- Last Weekend in VB

"I love Emmy" it says! He better!

This was my favorite!
Just shy of 3 feet!

Last Saturday we went to this cool museum that my friend Kara told me about near Virginia Beach. Its all about kids learning how things work and it had little mock towns and stuff and tons of stuff for them to play and do! I learned more than Bradley of course and Brad once again had so much fun being a kid with Bradley.
Coloring with Daddy

Just a few pictures of Brad and Bradley coloring before bedtime! Its so cute b/c Brad tries to be an artist and draw nature/ animal or any picture he may know to see if he recognizes it. Sometimes we know bradley knows the animal from a book but he cant tell because of Brads lack of artisitic ability! Haha...I am not any better though!
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