What a ham...that should be the next costume!
Well, its been a month now since Brads been deployed and 2 months more and a few weeks possibly to go. Bradley misses him so much(as do I very much). Its not everyday but he randomly shouts for him when he sees his truck in the driveway thinking hes home. He also randomly says "I want to talk to Daddy" or reminds me as hes reminding himself "Daddy still at work, Daddy still Bye-bye's" It breaks my heart so bad. One thing Bradley always does on a daily basis is pray for his daddy. Every night we say our prayers which include keeping daddy safe. Tonight out of nowhere at the dinner table he said "bow your head mommy" as he was folding his hands together and said "Lets say prayers" and he said our night time prayer at the dinner table! God is good and that is the best blessing to me as a mom. I know I can easily get overwhelmed and frustrated with him and I forget to see all the wonderful things in his little heart! So as we miss Daddy we send him care packages and sometimes it creeps up on me so we have to do a little photoshow to get some pics taken to include. This was Bradleys idea though, b/c earlier that day he found his winter hats in his drawers and put his lion hat on and roared and scared me (I had to act scared)! So here is the story of the penguin and the lion unfolding in pictures!