Making Sure Its Comfy.....

If I dont break it first, baby brother can use it....

The Big Brother Bradley

38 weeks!

Helping daddy with the "vroom vroom"

In Daddy's Hat

Tying Daddy's shoe for him

Got in the same exact stance as daddy to fix the window (I broke alot while Brad was gone, haha) the classic saying lately has been "Emily, your still hanging in there!" when all my friends see me out and about, running errands, whatever. My response to them is and "Im hanging out" b/c my belly seems so big to me. Today Brad and I heard random music in the kitchen and realized my belly pushed Bradleys leapfrog alphabet toy on the fridge when I was trying to get ice. We just looked at each other and laughed. If that gives you any insight into how I am "hanging out" these days! We are still anxiously anticipating the birth of our second son. I would tell you the name but we havent locked in the spelling officially yet. Of course, brad and I would be still waivering on this ;) I am 38 weeks and I have an appnt tomorrow for another sonogram to check my fluids and to see if anything is happening. I do feel small contractions like my body is starting the process. I think I am looking for them more this time since with Bradley they hooked me up to the moniter and I was having contractions and had NO clue. Here are some random pics of us and some of us getting ready for baby brother! Bradley was so proud of himself that he helped put together his brothers car seat and swing! He also helped his daddy relay the entire attick floor for more storage space up there. Hes such a big helper. It did make me nervous him being up there but you cant stop him from hanging out with his daddy that he adores. I hope he wont have trouble sharing daddy with his brother since he is so close to him. Bye until the next post...I am headed to bed for the night!