Months is what I am talking about, of course! Easton turned 9 months on the 16th of September and Gavin turned 23 months on September 21st. It was late on getting these pictures done and then it has been raining a lot so I figured I better not wait any longer for a perfect day to take them out. We went on our faithful back porch and tried to bring the sunshine to us! Here my big boys are, mostly all smiles!
Easton is all over the place these days. Look at his tooth that is hilarious! That one shows the most and two more on the top are almost in. He also has the two front ones in on the bottom. We cant help but call him “snaggle” and how can you not think redneck when you see this, “coo, coo ca choo!”

He is as handsome as ever even with bruises on his forehead from pulling himself up and then bumping his noggin on the fall down. He is exploring many new sounds. We hear him babbling all the time and this morning I even heard him make duck noises. I have to keep the carpets speck free as he will find any teeny tiny piece of dirt and put it in his mouth or food that Gavin throws on the floor. Some of the food Gavin throws Easton can still choke on so one day Brad caught him and he said “We have to stay on top of Gavin not throwing food or pick it up right away because Easton is like a puppy!”

He is a great eater, not so great sleeper though. He makes up for it by sleeping in during the morning so at least I only have two kids to worry about right when I jump out of bed. He is so tough still as he has adapted to life with two older brothers very quickly.

He was about over my pictures and I caught him like this playing with his feet in there!
We went inside for a few more. Of course he has been doing it his way for a while but the past few weeks made it official and crawls properly now so we slapped a sticker on that tush to document his success! maybe he will take his first steps next month like his brothers did at 10 months or maybe not? I wouldn’t mind because he could stay my baby forever.
Now onto his big brother….

This was our sunshine we tried to bring in. A craft Bradley made it preschool but Gavin just wanted to rip it apart. I should have hung it instead but I wasn’t being that involved during this photo shoot.

If you read this blog or have ever met this little man you know that he is one big hot crazy mess and well, nothing has changed! He is shake your head, knee slapping hilarious everyday. Any visit to our house you may find him doing stand up comedy on the kitchen table.
Posing like Easton did!?

At 23 months he is a parrot and a sponge with EVERY new word he hears. His annunciation is right on too. There are too many to quote but some cute ones are he says of himself “I funny” and his constant one is “What’s that mommy?” or Daddy or he will ask Bradley. Once you tell him he immediately repeats you to learn it. He still has extremely good manners and still helps by putting his own diaper in the trash, his clothes in the laundry closet and he throws his dishes in the sink. Thank goodness for plastic ware.
He is starting to wake up earlier now since he knows Bradley is up and he is more into cartoons. This is a new side to him we have not seen before because we aren’t used to him sitting still for any period of time.
He is becoming interested in the potty and he will naturally take the stand up stance and pull on his ding ding to try to make something happen. It was amazing how he naturally stood like that from watching Bradley. Hopefully, potty training will be easy and happen soon. Hint hint to myself.
Both of these boys light up our lives just like sunshine even on the rainiest days! Here is some extra pictures of our best biggest boy who also has that sunshine factor. Don’t forget your SPF because it is bright!
Gavin is holding Easton’s hand too.
Kissing his hand.
Our three sunshine's!