Just a day after we got back from our long weekend at the lake I hopped on a flight all by myself to sunny California. Los Angeles to be exact. I was the co host with my mother-n-law for Brit and Ryan’s baby shower for little Stella June set to arrive this July. This phenomenon happened of my flying by myself all thanks to my wonderful husband who watched the boys for four whole days straight. I’ve got to hand it to him. He is a great stay at home Dad and unfortunately for me can most of the time do my job better than I do. I was hoping I would come home and he would be singing my praises of “how do you do it? you are so amazing!” but instead like the saying goes “I got this!” He certainly did indeed have it all under control. There may have been poop on the walls and too many donuts for breakfast but the boys loved every bit of it. They went to the gym and park a lot!
Anyways, back to the shower. I really enjoyed my hang out time when we could fit it in. Mom and I were so busy with last minute details for the shower and Brit was busy with her last two days of work before her maternity leave started.

The shower was at moms friends house, Michelle. Isn’t her backyard view just stunning!

We got there at 7 am and the shower was set for 2pm. Once there we created the space from scratch using Michelle’s things and things we had premade and fabrics.

Mommy and Daddy’s spot.

The breeze was swinging her letters.

Sugar & Cinnamon mix were the favors for our guests. There was also a candy bar that they filled little bags with for the road home.
The guests were asked to fill out hope cards for Stella and then they strung a bird to their card and tied it to a bird cage. I forgot to take a picture of that though, bummer.
I got them an album to store the cards in along with a picture of the guest who wrote it. One day Stella can read these notes to her.
Flag labels on each paper straw. Guests wrote their names on themselves. Instead of using the old sharpie on the cup trick.
White linens with burlap runners were made complete with three laced mason jars adorned with fresh flowers. Pale pink roses, deep pink peonies and white hydrangeas. Little conversation cards were set on the table with clothes pins.

Basket weave icing Tea Cake for Stella!
The guests of honor. Mommy Brit and Daddy Ryan!
She hugged her guests, got pinned Mommy and Ryan grabbed a baby for practice which he ended up rocking her to sleep. Perfect! The party took off after that.
We ate lots of yummy food and played games. We did the label on the back game where everyone had to ask questions to find out what baby item was written on their back. We played the guess the baby bump game. This created lots of laughs and was perfect for Brit to interact with all her guests.

We also filled this wooden bin that Mom painted and had Ryan put letters on with baby items and had guests name items inside when it was passed around quickly.
The last game which was perfect for this shower having Ryan there amongst all these women was the “Newlywed Game” only a “New Parents” Version. I asked Ryan 20 questions ahead of time and wrote his answers on sheets of paper. During the shower I asked Brit the questions and she had to write on her paper “What did Ryan answer?” It was hilarious seeing her be put on the spot while Ryan just patiently waited and was totally confident in his answers! I should have tallied but they got more right together than wrong.

His said ‘Brit''
After that it was time to open all their many gifts.

We also had photo props set up for our guests to take their pictures to be used in the album with the card they filled out.

After all the guests had gone I took a moment to get some pictures of the happy expecting couple.