It was extremely hard for me to get into fall spirit this year. I love fall just as much as most people do but when we got back from the beach during the second week of October it was a little hard. I felt like I had lost some valuable time to plan out our month. With that said I think with any holiday and three boys sometimes I just wing it and maybe I will never plan out our month in activities and crafts. I will try and pick up on my traditions next year. I felt really bad that we did not go to the pumpkin farm like we normally do as a family. Instead I went with my MOPS group and never even asked Brad for us to go back. I knew it was just too hectic. Also, I failed in coloring, carving or anything with a pumpkin. I still plan on doing that though. I want to dig mine out and make pumpkin seeds and I have a super weird tradition of letting the boys throw and smash the pumpkins in the woods once Thanksgiving is over…I guess we can still do that.
Anyways, here are the things we did do…..
The pumpkin patch with just Gavin, Easton and Mommy. Bradley was in school during the time I went with my Mops group. We slid and went on a tractor ride and the pumpkin jump! Easton loved it more than I thought he would.

I almost forgot these pictures on my phone. Here is Gavin at his Birthday party day at school.

Bradley’s school hosted a Fall Festival as a PTA Fundraiser. It was on a Friday night and Brad was out of town so I was at it again on my own. It had its fun moments but I was not feeling good and these boys are a handful at any ‘event’ situation by myself. Here is Bradley being shy with the girl in his class named SOPHIA (go figure) and she likes him. Bradley’s teacher clued me in. It is funny that Bradley’s two best girls that he knows are named Sophia and Jordan and now this year in his class he has a Sophia and Jordan in his class, but not them :(
Superman on the bounce farm.

It is safe to say Easton loves bounce house’s now.
We ate dinner there, PIZZA!
We ate dessert there too. I sent Bradley with $5 to buy ice cream and he came back with this gourmet candy apple instead and no change. I give him a little freedom and he blows the money. Ha!
Before we left I asked for a picture and this is IT!! My messes!
I was the party mom for Halloween this year for Gavin’s class. Here I am with my powder coated donut boy.
Miss Debbie is the sweetest soul. She dresses up as this pumpkin every year.
Some of his classmates, including Chase!

Since I was there he was clinging to my side but I imagine he normally is mixed in with his friends. They were dancing and freezing.
Lastly, here we all are on trick or treat night. Halloween! We opted for a trunk or treat with Liz and the gang. It worked out perfect because it was on a school night and it wasn’t as cold as it would have been even later. We were home by 6:30 when all the trick or treating at our house was starting. The boys got to pass out all the candy at our door with me and I was still able to do baths and get Easton to bed by 7.
My scary skeleton…..My strong Superman and My….

Sweet Shark! This shark has just become a joke seriously. The best $20 I have ever spent. I think each boy has worn it twice (whether it fits or not). Unfortunately it will have to swim back out to sea next year and wont be appearing anymore. I may keep it a little while. Sometimes the boys put it on and pretend play with it.
Chase saw Bradley’s skeleton face and freaked like most kids did. Easton did not like him wearing it either.

The Pirate and Superman.

Not sure why we are all staring at Easton. He must have done something cute. The next best thing aside from that smile is Liz and I both have our cameras ready and Celia is the one who caught the moment. A lot of good we were, haha! Easton was so funny with the trick or treat process. He would give them back a piece of candy before he took another piece from the next person. He also always had to have something in his hand. He couldn’t just drop it in his bag. So adorable!
Daddy trying to show him.
I put it in here Da-Da?
My Jack O lantern.
Craft time. I did not save it so I have to write it down. There was a little harvest coloring craft with a bible verse on it and Bradley picked it up and started circling his “sight” words on it. Too smart for his own good sometimes. He didn’t color it…just found his sight words.
Bradley and Sophia did ‘bobbing for donuts’ or jumping was more like it.

The boys had a blast. It was a great night!