Ok, the story behind these pictures are that everyone laughs at me when they come to my house and see that I still use this chair for Bradley from when he was an infant, the baby papasan. We all know hes not a baby anymore but I let him sit in it to lean back and watch his cartoons while I take a shower. its our routine. I shut my bedroom door and turn the tunes on that way I know hes not into everything in the house. Well, a few days ago I guess I finally didnt make it to get ready until like noon or 1 after lunch and I came out of the shower and this is how I found him! he looked so sweet.....hes never fallen asleep in this chair since he was an infant! So, I couldnt resist taking photos of him snoozing away like a baby! I miss the baby days which is why I mentioned in the last blog of me having baby fever. Its also hitting me about now because Bradley is turning 2 years old this february 19th! Dont children look so peaceful when they sleep! So innocent!
LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tegan Elizabeth
Our wonderful friends Kate & Brinton had their first baby! A girl, Tegan Elizabeth. We went to see her last Tuesday before Brad went to Virginia Beach. Brinton went through some or all of the pipeline with Brad. They also both started here at their current unit together. We love B and Kate, they are such wonderful people and now we just really love Tegan! She is sooo adorably small and I felt so embarresed I almost started crying when I held her. I have baby fever really bad! Brad does also and wants a girl next so I made sure he held Tegan so he could continue that baby fever! My little way of making sure he stays on the same page as me! He is still. In the pics, we werent trying to move away from Tegan but she was comfortable sleeping in my one arm. Bradley didnt get close b/c he had the sniffles but he had fun playing with the dogs anyways. he did say "Baby" when he saw me holding her. Congrats Kate & Brinton!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
More Pictures of Snow Day!
Bradley's First Snow!
Today it snowed! Its so Awesome! Well, its snowed last night and has kept going all day. We probably have 5 inches on the ground! I think I had just as much fun as Bradley. We were outside at 9 am. First Bradley was a little hesitant with the "mysterious white stuff" but he thought it was cool because he knows thats where snowmen come from. He also warmed right up to it once daddy started throwing snowballs at mommy! He loved it then of course and giggled contagiously! Even I had to laugh. Then after some family time our other family came over. Liz, Mike and Sophia! Bradley and Sophia had so much fun swinging in the snow and sledding. Brad used a "body litter" that he carries medical patients on overseas and made it into a sled. Who would have thunk it! The kids kept saying "Again" every time the ride was over. They also counted "one, two, three, GO" for Brad to take off! So, here are tons of pics and hopefully a few videos too! Thanks for such a wonderful day Salvog family! FYI- did you know that snow is actually in the shape of a "snowflake." Liz and I were amazed but of course the guys already knew that, DUH! Its a wonderful snowy day here in Pinehurst!
Home from Hawaii
Ok, so I know this blog is late but Brad arrived home from Hawaii on Saturday night! We have had a wonderful time since hes been home! On Saturday night he gave me the pearl earrings that he bought me there. Which turned out to be not just earings but a beautiful necklace to match. He was able to keep some of it a surprise. So, I have posted the pictures of me in my beautiful new jewelry from my wonderful husband. I think he felt guily being in beautiful Hawaii without his beautiful wife, wink wink! They are black pearls from satlwater in China somewhere. They didnt have any native to Hawaii. I absolutely love them and him more!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Terrible Two's and I Love You's!
Well, the two things that stand out in my mind today rhyme. I fell like lately Bradley has just been looking at me like "yeah, women and what are you going to do about it if I dont listen." That is why I believe we are in the terrible twos! Also, he points his finger at me and says "One, Two, One." and then starts baby talking in a disciplining tone to me and saying "NO". He is totally mocking me! That little stinker! Thats why I am really excited about the Parenting Seminar that my MOPS group is hosting couldnt have come at a more perfect time or age! You better believe I will have front row seats! On th flip side of him being a monster...he is also the most perfect little boy ever! I sound like I need to be on medication but its soo true! I know alot of parents feel that way. They love them but they drive us crazy too! So, for a long time now, gosh, I wish I wrote down the date for the baby book, he has been saying I love you. It started out as just "wuv you" which he said to his Daddy first of course. Then we got him to say "I wuv you." We always say it to him first naturally and he said it back. BUT...the past two days he has said "I wuv you mommy" without me saying it to him first! He melts my heart! I swear sometimes I really do get nothing done because I break so much to admire him or play with him. I just soak it all in! He is so much fun and we both cant wait for Daddy to be home from "waii" tomorrow night at midnight...hopefully not 1 in the morning Saturday! So, thats that...I love my little man no matter what! Through the Terrible twos and the I love yous he will always be my baby!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My husband is sooo sweet!

So...I know I said I would report everyday, but my life doesnt seem as exciting as Liz's. Or maybe its the fact that I have never been the journal kind of girl, I would do this when I was younger too. Write for a few weeks (which is supposed to be a yearly journal) and then I would forget and pick it back up months later. My journal and know my blog will always have big gaps! This is a very good reason why I dont make New Years Resolutions either. I would never stick with it and I know that. So...whats new with us! Brad just informed me he cant come home from Hawaii until Saturday instead of Friday. Which is cool I guess....I can procrastinate cleaning a bit longer, haha! Another thing is Brad like never brings me home stuff from overseas or on trips and I always say..."why dont you every by Bradley and I a little something from your travels (he buys himself clothes when hes away)?" Well, this time he did...he said he got Bradley a Hawaiin outfit that has surfboards and guitars on it...yes I questioned that one too....but thats what he said. Then he said he wanted to get us all "Woody" shirts so he was trying to find a woody surf shop (thats a specific one) which is also his nickname "Woody" for Woodward. Him and his brother have carried that name on being in the military from their Dad who may of even got that nickname from his father. So...then he proceded to tell me he got me jewelry. At this point after describing Bradleys outfit I thought he meant costume jewelry, which is what I asked. He said "No, I bought you black pearl earrings!" Isnt that soooo amazingly sweet. For no reason and I never mentioned gifts on this trip...he thought of it all. Thats an amazing souvenier from Hawaii. He dropped a lot of money on them. I think he had to tell me b/c I would have noticed a big purchase on our accnt. So...obviously I havent seen them yet. When he gives them too me I will post a picture. Yeah...so I am super in love with my super hero amazing husband and thats something that I could write everyday for the rest of my life in my journal........if I kept one! :) I will say it everyday to him instead of writing it though!
Friday, January 9, 2009

Ok, so I am going to attempt to be better at this and make my family read it so they have updates on our life. Here it goes....January is shaping up to be a busy start to the new year. Brad left for Hawaii last Sunday for a work trip. Apparantly he is diving...I think hes really having so much fun and its not really work! Actually really he is diving near Pearl Harbor. Pretty Nifty that he is getting to see that! I wish I were there with him. After our trip to the Bahamas was romantic but not all we expected it to be we said Hawaii was our next vaca goal...well at least when we finally get there together I wont make him work! Well, maybe a little, haha! He will be home on Jan 16th and then leaves again Jan. 21st for Virginia Beach where he will be staying for 4 months. With 4 months of visiting from Bradley and I of course! It is a nice change of pace being there and we have so much fun just being together as a family! I have a lot going on with my MOPS group this month and Bradley always keeps me busy. He asks for Daddy everyday and today I told him he was in Hawaii and he said "daddy in whyeee" So cute! I told him he was also at the beach and he said "bitch" yep...thats how he said it...exactly like I wrote it! Ok, well I guess thats enough for today. I will write tomorrow!
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