So...I know I said I would report everyday, but my life doesnt seem as exciting as Liz's. Or maybe its the fact that I have never been the journal kind of girl, I would do this when I was younger too. Write for a few weeks (which is supposed to be a yearly journal) and then I would forget and pick it back up months later. My journal and know my blog will always have big gaps! This is a very good reason why I dont make New Years Resolutions either. I would never stick with it and I know that. So...whats new with us! Brad just informed me he cant come home from Hawaii until Saturday instead of Friday. Which is cool I guess....I can procrastinate cleaning a bit longer, haha! Another thing is Brad like never brings me home stuff from overseas or on trips and I always say..."why dont you every by Bradley and I a little something from your travels (he buys himself clothes when hes away)?" Well, this time he did...he said he got Bradley a Hawaiin outfit that has surfboards and guitars on it...yes I questioned that one too....but thats what he said. Then he said he wanted to get us all "Woody" shirts so he was trying to find a woody surf shop (thats a specific one) which is also his nickname "Woody" for Woodward. Him and his brother have carried that name on being in the military from their Dad who may of even got that nickname from his father. So...then he proceded to tell me he got me jewelry. At this point after describing Bradleys outfit I thought he meant costume jewelry, which is what I asked. He said "No, I bought you black pearl earrings!" Isnt that soooo amazingly sweet. For no reason and I never mentioned gifts on this trip...he thought of it all. Thats an amazing souvenier from Hawaii. He dropped a lot of money on them. I think he had to tell me b/c I would have noticed a big purchase on our accnt. So...obviously I havent seen them yet. When he gives them too me I will post a picture. Yeah...so I am super in love with my super hero amazing husband and thats something that I could write everyday for the rest of my life in my journal........if I kept one! :) I will say it everyday to him instead of writing it though!
Sooo adorable!! I can't wait to see them.
You are a great blogger, besides Bradley does so many cute things that we all want to hear about. Like the the time he locked you out of the car at Belk!! haha
Thanks for sharing your happenings. Bradley is such a handsome boy! The kids still talk about him all the time (esp. Derek!). Enjoy the snow while it lasts. We're loving it!
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