I will always love you!
A picture I cant show Brad...hes been bugging me about a dog for Bradley so much.
Ok- well I have no pictures with me and the girls from my MOPS group but Liz was so gracious to watch Bradley for me since Brad is in VB. I stole all these pictures from Liz'z blog. When I told Bradley he was going to see Sophia he said "pia, yeah!" then he said "and wiz?" meaning is he going to see Liz too. That is just the cutest that he calls Aunt Liz "wiz." I dont think she will ever live that down. Its so nice to have a friend to be able to switch with and watch your child and pay them in popcorn! haha! Thats all she wanted was movie popcorn since she tries to convince Mike to get it for her often. To just go and by popcorn when they arent going to the movies and bring it home. So, I was the hero for once! So, today I am just waiting for my tax return to come in the mail so we can then leave to drive to VB. It was supposed to be overnighted and arrived yesterday so I am so annoyed with the Post office and now may have to wait until 3pm to start our drive. Of course this probably wouldnt be so bad if we would have gotten our taxes done earlier. We just really want to get them in the mail before April 1st! I dont know why thats the magic day this year but it is! Well, enjoy the pictures and I am sure I will have much more to post once we get to Virginia Beach with Daddy!
1 comment:
We will miss you guys... come back soon! Thanks again for the popcorn :)
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