Hi everyone, I know I have been really bad about posting but Liz found her way to make me feel guilty, haha! She types without a space bar! My excuse is because we were traveling and brads laptop was packed up and then it has just been crazy since weve been home. brad has been at work monday thru today getting ready for his deployment which is June 16th! So, there is not a lot of time to be a family and get everything done we need to. We also are having his parents come visit this weekend and we have a day trip wedding on June 13th! let me get to the point of this blog....the burning question on all our friends and family's minds has been are we having a boy or a girl? My appointment was yesterday and it is a BOY! We are so thrilled and Bradley Bear is too! I showed him my sonogram pictures and he actually looked at them very intently and then said "Thats Awesome" and "I love baby brother!" Lets just hope he keeps that enthusiasm when he hears baby brother crying at night! haha! We are definately blessed by God to be given an opportunity to raise two amazing boys! We are excited about the years to come and the comrodory between our two boys and unconditional love that will always remain even after the rough housing ends! Its kinda neat since Brad and I both come from a family with two brothers and a younger sister so maybe we are following in both our parents footsteps! time will tell but I dont want to talk about a third child yet...I just want to get throught this labor and delivery! God is GOOD! Thanks to all of you for all your enthusiasm and support in our lives, it truly means the world to me :) I have posted below a few cute pictures of our last weekend in Virginia Beach as I think I may not back track and update my blog....I think I only have time to post from this point!
Congrats on the new baby boy, that's such exciting news!! We were really sad we didn't get to see you guys last weekend, stupid bridge!
that's so funny that you mentioned you and Brad both being from two boys then a girl families, cause I was thinking about that the other day after I commented that I want it to be a girl! Congratulations!
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