Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Last Weekend at the Lake
This past weekend after Brad being home for officially a week we decided to hop in the car for a road trip to South Carolina to Grandads lake house. Also where we got married almost 5 years ago. I love how we can go to the place where it all started for our family and share it with Bradley and soon both of our boys! We had lots of fun visiting with Grandad and Ann. It had been a while since Brad had seen Grandad, over 7 months since he was in Virginia Beach then straight to his deployement. It was definately overdue. I really enjoyed getting to relax since Bradley is gaga over his daddy ever since hes been home he follows him around EVERYWHERE and totally forgets about mommy. Too bad this cant last longer before the baby is born, then I will be the one the baby depends on more. For now I am totally soaking it all in and so is Brad. Yesterday they even explored underneath the house in the "cave" together for hours! It was really to run a computer wire but Bradley thought he was a cave explorer and carried his tools around with his daddy! How cute..when I went outside thinking they fell into a dark hole b/c I hadnt seen them forever, Bradley even told me to "Go back inside mommy!" What a little stinker he is but hey...I listened!!! Anyways...we are back home and getting more things done to get ready for the baby in a few weeks. The 18th is just 19 days away! Sorry there is no belly shots in the pictures...Brad still needs to get used to my new camera and I was in a cant blame me for not wanting to post that one!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Charlotte for a Day!
So a few days after Brad got home and still very sleep deprived we decided to take a road trip to Charlotte to my brother Nathans house. My other brother Andrew and his family were visiting them on their way back from the beach so we took advantage of a chance to meet our new neice. Also to see everyone else and they were very anxious to welcome Brad back home! Here is a slideshow of our day. We had a wonderful time and it was a beautiful sunny day. There was talk of going to the fair but we ended up taking it easy and not overdoing it. Which I was definately glad for Brads sake and then later for mine because I was so tired driving home. Brad worked nights on deployment so it can take a while to get back on schedule. So when he is up during the day within the first week or so home that is when he is normally sleeping but he fights it as to try to get back on the family schedule. And well my reason is I am just big and pregnant and just cant hang these days like I use to...Im definately ready to pop! The weekend is coming up and I hope everyone has a great one!
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Happy 27th Birthday Daddy!
Ok so I am really belated here but the previous blog had a cake we made for Brad for his homecoming/belated birthday. Bradley dumped all the sprinkles on it to help me. He turned 27 on September 15th, a few days before he got home! I know some are hidden but the cake has a number "2" and seven candles which Brad let bradley blow out of course! Brad loved his cake we made him and was so happy to see Bradley sing him "Happy Birthday Daddy!"
Friday, September 18, 2009
Brad is HOME!!!
Brad arrived home safely last night from Afghanistan! It has been a long three months and we missed him like crazy so needless to say we are on cloud nine here at the woodward home! We kept with our tradition of him arriving home in the middle of the night and me jumping on him when he walks through the door and then he goes and wakes up Bradley Bear! We let Bradley stay up with us for a few hours and then he goes back to sleep then we get "our time" again! After that theres not much longer til Bradley is back on schedule and I am exhausted but still waking up with him while Brad stays sleeping from his long travels and being off schedule from the time difference. Bradley laughed and giggled and was so excited to see his "daddy!" Brad is doing great...hes skinnier than when he left which is always how he returns from not eating as much, which makes a pregnant women feel wonderful, ha! So I made him his favorite breakfast burrito this morning to start to fatten him up! It felt good to make and serve him a meal again! he also has his crazy hair which my friend Liz and I laugh about that he has the nicest fullest long locks of any guy we know. Yes, I have a husband with nicer hair than me! Well, let me just post some pictures of our wonderful night together back as a family! We are so excited to have him home and start making memories!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day/ Quote of the Day
Bradley Bear and I didnt do much today. We had to run some errands to get ready for his first day of preschool tomorrow. Bradley has a late birthday here in NC. If you arent 5 by August 31st for Kindergatren then you have to wait until the next year. So, his preschool follows the same deadline. He is in the two year old class even though he will be 3 for half of the year. Its only two mornings a week, I dont know if you can even consider it school but its for the whole 9 month school year; which is why I signed him up as soon as I found out I was pregnant. He will need "big boy" time and I will need some one on one time with "baby brother." So, anyways here is Bradleys quote of the Day! "Mom, do we have coconuts in the house?" No, sorry I dont have any of those! "Well then, maybe, do we have peanuts and then we can feed them to the elephants?" This was very random too in the came out of nowhere. Also along with "Pia's Cute" which is his best friend/girlfriend Sophia. Three more..."Oh, no, that wasnt supposed to happen!" and "I want to take baby brother out of your tummy!" Which gave me confidence and made me feel like oh, yes, hes excited! Then I said are you going to be a good big brother? His reply "Ummmm...NO!" he BURSTED my bubble! So, stay tuned to see in October what really happens, haha....we are so excited and Brad and I think he will do great! I hope everyone had a great Labor Day!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Bradley's Quote of The Day
So, I started these in Brad's emails and I am not sure how often (daily or not) these will occur but Im trying here!
Today's quote is.... "Oh no, I cant believe this, my tower fell down again!" The "I cant believe this" part is what was hilarious that he thinks like that!
Yesterday's Quotes.... "Mommy, you are driving me crazy" (he normally isnt aloud to say this to me but its b/c I was snapping the camera in his face...I cant blame him)
"No, hes going to live in ganisthan!" when asked "Where is baby brother going to live, in the room next to you?"
Bradley says the darndest things...stay tuned for tomorrow's!
Today's quote is.... "Oh no, I cant believe this, my tower fell down again!" The "I cant believe this" part is what was hilarious that he thinks like that!
Yesterday's Quotes.... "Mommy, you are driving me crazy" (he normally isnt aloud to say this to me but its b/c I was snapping the camera in his face...I cant blame him)
"No, hes going to live in ganisthan!" when asked "Where is baby brother going to live, in the room next to you?"
Bradley says the darndest things...stay tuned for tomorrow's!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Friends, Fun and 33 weeks!
Everything is going great at the Woodward homefront! We are anxiously counting down the days til' Daddy's return home, which is now this month! As you can see I am very much pregnant. People say that I am small for 33 weeks but I dont feel that way. I feel very big but I guess that comes with the territory. I have had so many sweet people go out of there way to make me smile and it is just an amazing reminder of God's love in this world! So, thank you to all you wonderful people whether it be the lady in the antique store who told me I was a cute preggers lady or an old friend on facebook who made my day to tell me I was beautiful. There are so many more things I could share but its just so refreshing to have simple acts of kindness in at times such a cruel and hurtful world. Anyways, this is just an update of us...I got a new camera (my other broke...can we say beach and toddler...oops!) as the mirror pictures show. Which Im super excited about since I will have two cutie pie boys soon to take pics of...well 3! Brad's my cutie pie too...I mean a handsome rugged cute, wink! Speaking of Brad, he is doing great and staying safe. he hurt his foot in training over there but boy is Gods grace amazing! We are so thankful everyday for his safety! His foot will be just fine although I wish I had more details but I get the impression hes not telling me the whole picture so I wont worry or freak! So, I will post more later...Bradley starts preschool next week so Im sure I will snap tons of shots for that one! poor kid is going to be so embaressed when he gets older! Oh, and still no name for the baby but when we do think of it....were not telling!!!! Love to all my friends and family!
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