Everything is going great at the Woodward homefront! We are anxiously counting down the days til' Daddy's return home, which is now this month! As you can see I am very much pregnant. People say that I am small for 33 weeks but I dont feel that way. I feel very big but I guess that comes with the territory. I have had so many sweet people go out of there way to make me smile and it is just an amazing reminder of God's love in this world! So, thank you to all you wonderful people whether it be the lady in the antique store who told me I was a cute preggers lady or an old friend on facebook who made my day to tell me I was beautiful. There are so many more things I could share but its just so refreshing to have simple acts of kindness in at times such a cruel and hurtful world. Anyways, this is just an update of us...I got a new camera (my other broke...can we say beach and toddler...oops!) as the mirror pictures show. Which Im super excited about since I will have two cutie pie boys soon to take pics of...well 3! Brad's my cutie pie too...I mean a handsome rugged cute, wink! Speaking of Brad, he is doing great and staying safe. he hurt his foot in training over there but boy is Gods grace amazing! We are so thankful everyday for his safety! His foot will be just fine although I wish I had more details but I get the impression hes not telling me the whole picture so I wont worry or freak! So, I will post more later...Bradley starts preschool next week so Im sure I will snap tons of shots for that one! poor kid is going to be so embaressed when he gets older! Oh, and still no name for the baby but when we do think of it....were not telling!!!! Love to all my friends and family!
You look SO good!! Your belly is adorable :)
You better tell me, haha! Great picture, and you do look great. See you tonight!
Those ladies are correct, you are absolutely stunning!! I think every lady who finds out they are expecting wishes for the "baby body" you have right now. Can't wait to see first day of school pics. Good luke trying not to tear up. Sunglasses help! : )
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