Gavins Turkey Coma, haha!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone...a day late :) I was soooo busy being thankful for everything and working my butt off between tending to Gavin and cooking that I didnt get to post yesterday. I also may not have texted some of my wonderful friends back who wished me a Happy Turkey Day! So, thanks everyone! Our day started by cleaning a bit before our company arrived then it was on to the cooking! Brads friend, Jason, came to enjoy the holiday weekend with us from Maryland. We decided against traveling to Maryland or California this year since Gavin is so young and its flu season and it ended up that Brad is covering alert with his unit which means he has to stay close to base in case he got paged away to go save the world! Our day was great and I was so pleased with myself that I managed to pull off this day (with Brads help) and get dinner on the table by 3. I am always a bit tired still and Gavin eats like every 2- 3 hours and needs to be burped, changed, rocked to sleep for naps, the whole thing and I managed to cook stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn pudding, sweet potatoe souffle, green bean casserole, rolls, gravy and pumpkin pie with my homemade whipped cream. Brad conquered the turkey outside in the electric deep fryer. yep, thanksgiving is getting fancy around here, haha! It was all so delicious and indeed did put us in a turkey coma. After dinner our friends Adam and Lacey came over for dessert and drinks and they stayed until like 10 pm. We had a lot of fun and interesting conversations, its always great just to hang out and reminisce and laugh! This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my God, my husband and my boys and all my wonderful family and friends. I am also blessed for our wonderful home and to be healthy and safe! Now that that is over....whos ready for Christmas! Ho...Ho...Ho....Here we Go!
Wow, just reading that post about everything you had to do made me tired! I don't know how you did it...but sounds like you're doing a great job :)
Wow, Em! You're amazing!! Happy Thanksgiving!
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