his name, duh!
About to go exploring!
The snow made it to us in NC too! It unfortunately was a wintery mix coming down. Not big fluffy snowflakes like maryland got. It was still fun enough to go out in. Gavin and I just ventured out long enough for a picture. he wasnt having it because he was tired but bradley and brad went exploring in the woods and threw snowballs and all that snowy stuff. My favorite part was when Bradley came in freezing and i got to hold him and snuggle with him to get him warm again. After we had fun in the snow Brad had to dig my truck out of the driveway. We have a steep driveway and its gravel so you cant shovel it. So he was out there for an hour chopping two tire pathways into the gravel with a shovel so there would be some traction. No one else has problems but our driveway is not snow friendly. At least this is only the second time we have had to deal with an icy driveway. I think its awesome the boys are seeing snow. The people we bought our house from almost 4 years ago said that there was one blizzard (or what this town would call it) here like 14 years ago. So we have been able to play in it the past two years! oh, and i also finally finished Gavins room. It now feels like his bedroom to me instead of just a guest bedroom with a crib. I hung his name and i had to paint the mattes before hanging the pictures that Michelle Bolton took of him. If somethings uneven then thats OK- thats classic Emily and all the things i hang will inevitably be crooked :)
I love Gavin's baby portraits, they're very cute!! And the picture of you and your boys is adorable :)
Can't wait to see pictures of Gavin's room. You look great, Em.
Your little man is getting so big!! Can't believe how fast time goes by. AND, I love your blog background...so i went to shabby blogs and got one for myself!! It has owls on it, haha! love it!
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