The new dirtbike helmet! At three years old, I cant believe it either!
He loves it in moderation just like everything else.
Heres just some pictures of our past week. They include Gavin who is soooo teething. I have noticed them since 2 months old but now they are almost here and the drool is taking over! He is going to get his "fangs" first though! That should look real cute! You can tell by the pictures because all his clothes are so wet on his chest. I know I need to put a bib on the poor guy. Gavin also started eating solid foods. So far just oatmeal cereal with bananas and he really gobbled it up. I am not good at keeping this consistent though. I remember being the same way with Bradley, maybe thats why he has horrible eating habits. Or hes just picky like his momma! Yesterday Brad took Bradley to get some french fries and a dirtbike helmet?!! He didnt even tell me they were leaving because I was taking a nap with Gavin so to my surprise Bradley came in the house with a huge helmet! Apparantly they had gone dirtbike riding and Bradley hit his cheek on the handlebars. Very uncool! He has a big bruised cheek! At least Brad knew what he had to do in order for me not to flip out and not want him to ride anymore. I know it can be dangerous but I havent really thought any more on the subject because Bradley LOVES that time with Daddy and he loves the "vroom vroom." Then, that night, it was on to family game time. We bought Bradley UNO Moo for his birthday and this was the first time we played it. I highly recommend this game. I was shocked at how he caught on by his second turn and I love it too! I am a kid at heart so I have been waiting for him to be old enough to start family game night. We dont have a particular night yet and I need to beef up my collection of games for him too. Well, I guess thats about it. It is a beautiful day here today. It doesnt feel too much like winter so Im going to go enjoy it!
Gavin is already eating baby food! i can't believe how fast these kids grow. Thanks for voting for Levi! he needs some votes :) Hope to go to see that MOPS speaker next weekend at church so maybe I'll see ya there!
Gavin is getting so big already :( And that helmet... oh boy... you have your hands full!
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