1) He is getting teeth. I see three or four finally trying to cut through.
2) He is tough! He does not like it when Bradley holds him down and smothers him with kisses. He screams then. He can handle Gavin pushing him over or sitting on his back or pushing his head into the floor. He screams then too and that is really the only times. Aren’t brothers just dandy!
3) He does not like to be in the car when it is dark outside. He cries loud and seems to be scared and it takes longer for him to go to sleep. Bless his little heart!
4) When he drinks his milk from mommy he will either hold his ear, cover his eye with his hand or be playful and reach up and touch my face.
5) He wears 12 month clothes and sometimes 18 months. He is in size 4 diapers, which I put Gavin in too and it just makes it easier now to have one size fits all.
6) He loves all his baby food except peaches he is not fond of. He loves the puffs and all the snack foods for babies including “mum - mums” rice cake things. Which, I realize why they named them that because when he sees them he waves his arms frantically and says “mum, mum, mum, mum” over and over again.
He is caterpillar crawling and still does his running stance or downward facing dog yoga pose then pushes off to get around. I guess it depends on what you consider crawling. I am still waiting for the knees and hands working together! Fingers crossed!
8) His hair is getting wavy(ish) on top as it grows in thicker. He remains to be happy and close to perfect so I hope he doesn’t turn on us one day.
I wonder what one more month will bring? He is getting big and growing so quickly. Whenever I get emotional about the boys growing up, Brad quickly says “that’s what they do babe.” I guess he has to cut it short because he would get sentimental too if he reflected on it for too long.
He is SO cute!! Sometimes I see Bradley in him and other times I think he looks just like Gavin! You've got three handsome little boys for sure!! Happy 8 months Easton!
Aww happy 8months!! cant believe he is already 8 months. He is so precious! So happy for you and brad and your beautiful little children. :)
8 months already? They do grow up WAY too fast! Easton is adorable :)
He is getting so big! Your kids are so cute and photogenic = )
Great pictures and great Beastin' Easton facts! He's so handsome!
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