Gavin ate 3 bananas in one hour. Brad says every time he hears the fridge or cabinet open he thinks, “time to go back to work!” Easton looks so tiny to be doing all the exploring he is. I think my heart is going to sink deep into my stomach the day my last little baby takes his first steps.
The boys sharing goldfish since Easton can eat them now while watching a cartoon together before bed. Gavin calls all TV a “movie” and has just now had the light bulb go off in his little brain that he can sit there and learn and understand.
French Fries!
Look at this sweet moment they are sharing! Gavin is starting to want to play with him more and has also asked to “hold the baby.” So adorable.
Easton’s turn to get inside and then Gavin decided to give him a ride. He looks so tall and big!
Halloween balloon static hair. Compliments of Daddy.
A deep soak bath Gavin is enjoying. Just relax and take a load off from your hard day buddy!
He must have enjoyed bath time so much that he ran away from me halfway into getting his pajamas on and jumped back in! Bradley was screaming “Oh my gosh mom, he is getting in with his clothes on!!”
Sharing and feeding Easton as usual.
Crawling away from mommy now when he needs to get dressed.
Tunnel time together.
Reflection of happiness!
I think that is it for my rewind. This weekend Mimi and Dunka came over to visit. They were having withdrawls from their three NC angel grandchildren.
How many can you fit in the tent?
Easton getting his Dunka neck kisses that make each of them giggle…always!
Gavin’s turn but he was fighting it more.
Bradley loves it. He said when they were on their way over “Mom, I can’t wait for Dunka to get here so he can give me those monster kisses he does all the time. It’s so aggravating!” Code for he likes it but didn’t want to admit it.
A new toy from Mimi (of course) so Daddy is putting it together. Gavin handing him the batteries. Little helpers waiting patiently.
Easton crawled on me and laid on me and then starting sucking his thumb. What a momma’s boy! I love it!
Saturday night bath time while we got to go out on a date.
Crazy Gavin was caught dragging this trash can on his foot.
Last night’s bath was fun with bubbles!
So many moments to treasure. It was a great weekend! The boys love their Mimi and Dunka and of course Bradley was very sad to see them go and is counting down the days until Thanksgiving.
"last little baby"?? Come onnnn, have one more :) Gavin really cracks me up in all of your posts, just the things he does! Easton is getting so big, he loves his momma though, those are cute pictures :) And Bradley is still has cute as ever, I love how he loves Dunka's kisses but didn't want to admit to it :)
they are so precious!
That picture of Easton in a onesie looking out the door is precious... Those leg rolls!!! And Gavin just cracks me up in his pictures, he looks like such a fun little boy! :)
awww....can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!!!! LOVE YOU
All your posts always look like so much fun! I don't even know what to comment on because through the whole thing I'm like "awww" "hahaha" "omg gavin!" LOL.
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