Here the boys are that night before bed. Getting all cleaned up for Daddy coming home, his Birthday and another TRIP!
Bradley likes to take baths on his own mostly now so these two are hilarious together!
A banner I was making at 10 at night before he got home!
I absolutely did not stress the fact that he was 30 and I am still in my twenties ;)
Boy am I not looking forward to payback!
The boys were so excited to give them the cards they made him right when they woke up.
While unpacking and repacking the boys climbed inside!
For Brad’s Birthday we left that afternoon and headed to our friend the Blankenship’s home. Jen had a cake picked up for me since there was no way I could have pulled that off with getting there at 6. We were there to hang out but also Brad was entertaining some Vietnam PJ’s that were stopping there as a meeting point for the longer trip to NY for the annual PJ reunion. This year was the first year Brad has gone to it. They drove there on Monday and Brad flew out on Wednesday and just got back again last night ( I know, it is hard to keep up. I barely can either!).
Back to that cake that is being set on fire!
Do I even have to say the kids loved it!
Brad was absolutely surprised! Awesome that I pulled that off since the boys were wanting to blab.
30 Candles! Happy 30th to my man!
The start to his 30’s with one big happy family!
Other than that the boys played! You put 6 boys together and so much fun and madness was going on.
Brad entertained the old guy PJ’s and Jen and I even got to slip away for getting our eyebrows waxed and acting like giggly teenagers. We went to Rite Aid and bought make up and candy! Now, doesn’t that sound like fun?!
This is at their Lake House down the street where we cooked dinner for the PJ vets!
We drove home Monday after lunch. By the look of these feet they had a bit of fun on Monday too before we left.
We will be going to the beach with this wonderful family the first week of October so we are excited about that!
Brad had a great 30th and said turning 30 did not bother him at all! We love him and loved celebrating his life. Even if it was the “little things” that was all I managed to pull off, it meant a lot to him!
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