The boys happy to go to the pool!
On one of those August Saturday’s it was jammed packed. I went to a baby shower for a good friend Kyndra. This is her first baby and it’s a girl. She has since had her beautiful baby girl named Reina.

Isn’t she the sweetest little brunette bug!
At the same time as the shower in the morning the boys were at the lake with Daddy and all the other Dads and all the other kids of the women at the shower. They got some sun and had so much fun and I wouldn’t expect Brad to have any pictures of that. I am so thankful that he is a Daddy that proudly wrangles our Woodward Warriors on his own. Without naps we then went to an afternoon Birthday party for the crazy Wyatt! We are so blessed to have traditions with so many friends that have not moved away 7 years later. For military families that it impressive so we count it as blessings for the times we still are around this town and to be together.
Wyatt how old are you? Geez Wyatt, Five sure does look like “get that camera out of my face Aunt Em!”
It was a great day for Wyatt to be King and for cake, Spiderman moves and waterslides!
When we are home the boys do stuff a little like this. Same stuff we have seen before but somehow it’s always cute, a little worse or a little more crazy and funny.
The boys were shaking their booties on the table.
Then it was time to not “shake our booties” on the table anymore and here is Easton caught in his “testing us” phase. What grade will Daddy get? I think in this moment he backed off and Daddy won but it did not come without the pout face afterwards….
{In Disgrace}
He is also such a little whiney boy sometimes. Did I mention he is 2?
When that happens we just have to tickle it out of him!
Here are some more normal moments when the boys are overly bored and forced to get along. Normally dress up does the trick. They begin to work as a team as their alter ego’s.
Another August adventure was a nature center we went to with Liz and the kids. We went on a walk and checked out a small museum with a dark spooky room with animals that lit up randomly. The kids loved that! It taught the kids all about this pine tree area they live in. It is always good to know about your surroundings, just in case they missed it amongst the millionth pine needle.
Our crazy crew. Four stinky boys and a little lady.
There it is. August in a nutshell. I know I am missing some highlights somewhere and hope to update more soon. Like our trip to Granddad's with family and all the waterfall’s we saw.
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