On September 15th Brad turned one year older and wiser! It was a Sunday so we went to church and then went out to eat Mexican food. The boys were so excited about his Birthday that they had him open one gift before church which was clothes. Then he opened his last gift after dinner. It is pretty bad that I don’t even remember what else we did that day or what I made him for his dinner. I did have a cake and “31” number candle for his bid day though. His card had 31 reasons why we love him and we got him a really nice baseball glove. He didn’t have one left over or around from growing up and we just never had gotten around to it since with the boys throws he can catch with his hand. We figured it was still past time and overdue. With three boys a glove is must! Bradley was really excited because it was just in time for the fall season of baseball ( his third baseball team/season) and he was ready to play catch. They immediately went out that night!
Bradley wrote in the bottom of the sign. This is one of their silly names they each say to each other. This along with turkey biscuits, little ham sandwiches. You know, all the normal animal and food combo names.
Get set….
Blow!! He is the coolest and let them all blow out the candles with him. I mean honestly, that will not be happening on my birthday!
His card with his three “cool beans” for each of the boys. The boys and Brad love edemame beans so the card looked like that and was fitting.
He was a good sport with his “old fart” paper and his Mickey “Happy Birthday” sticker we had him wear.

His new glove!
Lastly we all ate his cake for him! He is such a little party pooper and wouldn’t even indulge himself for his own birthday. His own cake! I am going to have to attack him and shove junk food in his mouth one day soon. You have been warned hun! Happy 31st Birthday to our guy! We each love you so much.
I was just thinking… did he even eat that cake? Mr no sweets! Ugh, way to make us feel bad, Brad! The glove was a great idea and perfect for a house of all boys! Next up is your birthday… and we will be eating the cake!
You guys are the cutest, I mean seriously! What a beautiful family!
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