Liz and I with Sara
The Birthday Girl.
Proof he eats pizza!
Then my good friend Laura (who I helped with the shower ) had her baby the next day.
This was her Saturday night before she went in Sunday morning to be induced.
Here is baby ** Sawyer Austin Markey ** !
He was simply precious and as crazy as it sounds being in the hospital makes you miss being in there for your own child being born. Liz and I had some serious baby envy going on. We love you though Laura and are so excited for your growing family. This woman says she will surpass us all with wanting four children!
Proud Mommy and big sis Jordan. We brought them wine and cupcakes in the hospital to celebrate!
LOL I know that feeling, going back to the hospital to see a new baby and all that love and bonding with the mommy...ahhhh...oh great, now I just fell right back into that baby envy. Nooooooo!
WOW... if I ever have another child.. will you bring ME wine & cupcakes?! You sound like the best friend ever... that sounds like exactly what you need to have after 10 long months of pregnancy and giving birth!!!
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