Is it possible that your hair became wilder? I think it has, even despite mommy not combing it daily.
You are still an amazing sleeper. Two naps both 2-3 hours long and you sleep 12 hours straight at night. Thank You Lord! You even wake up so happy, playful and are content to chill in your crib while your brothers play in the room with you or hop in the crib with you and bring you toys. See, I told you, privileged! Do you think Bradley or Gavin had toys handed to them the second they woke up? No.
What has not changed is that your smile is the best and you are still so cute, sweet and handsome.
You still have the fattest Fred Flintstone feet too! I just can’t get enough of your piggies! You wear a size 4 shoe and you wear 18 or 24 month clothes.
We did part of these pictures on the table because you are such a climber now. You try and steal the bathroom stool everyday and take it to climb on anything and everything.
At your 15 month doctors appointment you weighed 22 lbs and were 28 3/4 inches tall.
You love to talk now and the words you say are Mommy, Daddy, Thank You, Ball, Kick, Bye- Bye, Cheese. “Mwah” when you give your sweet slobbery open mouth kisses. I know that is not technically a word. You also love to say and make the sound “Roar!” You also said “No” already just once. Yikes. It just keeps happening earlier and earlier with each child. I can’t imagine where you learned that one from (GAVIN) but I’m not name dropping or anything! There may be a few more words, I am not writing them down when they happen like I should be.
You love to point now, suck your thumb (still) and even like to hit your brothers sometimes just to show them you don’t mess around and have taken notice to the fact that they like to wrestle you and crush you at times. You will be so tough, you already are. We have witnessed you make Bradley annoyed and hurt Gavin.
You love the water and you love to be outside and explore.
You kick and scream when you have to come inside. You do that also with diaper changes and getting dressed. You just are in that phase of not wanting to be held back from your own free will. The quicker you learn Mommy & Daddy know best the better we all will be. That’s what I tell your brothers at least, ha-ha!
You can throw back some food too! I let you do it to because you are my only one that loves veggies and eats them without hesitation. I would say you like anything except eggs. You used to eat them but now the texture must throw you off and that is Gavin’s food for the liking now.
You like to be read to and you love to dance. You dance anytime you hear a beat that makes you want to move your feet. You move your feet a little but your signature move is waving your hands in the air and you make a clicking noise with your mouth to sing along.
You do this new eye thing when you are being mischievous and you know it. Like here for example. I really don’t like you climbing on this alone and you were like “Watch me Mom, I’m going to do it. Don’t stop me!” We have trouble getting upset with this face. Daddy and I are going to have to toughen up on you soon. You are a quick and smart learner.
Happy 16 months to the best Easty Bubbas ever!
1 comment:
16 months already??? And all those words??? How does time go by so fast? He's growing into such a handsome little guy, I love that he still has the baby face though, I hope that doesn't go away for a long time!
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