LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dreary Days

Lately we have been getting a lot of rain that keeps the boys unable to be outside.  We would go to the park bundled up even in the cold but not the rain :( So what do we do on dreary rainy days?  Well, since we can’t go see Beauty and the Beast in 3D because Daddy vetoed the classic movie for our almost five year old son.  Of course we know what my vote was! This is what we get into instead….


We play pirate ship while admiring and looking up to our older brother.


We eat and realize one 1 year old looks just like another 1 year old 4 years ago in the same pajamas.  Easton vs. Bradley.  Who wore it best?  I think the smiles are a tie for sure!



One day while mommy shopped Daddy took the boys out for an ice cream treat.  I came home and saw that Daddy had dressed Easton in pajamas and then went one step further and put pants over them?! I was baffled so I had to snap a shot of this occurrence. 


When mommy cleans we get into the trash.  He picked the best time too since I had just dumped the vacuum reservoir and it was 10 times worse than usual.  He was covered in tiny crumbs and dust bunnies. 



We smile because we love our family!


Then we practice walking and almost walk into walls. 


He is doing great and we wont let these dreary days get us down but I do hope the sunshine finds us soon!

Oh and Gavin is still running around naked potty training so not many pictures of him!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Backing it Up

Let’s go back over the course of two weeks or so and see all the cute, fun and boy things you three did.  When we are busy with holidays I always have extra pictures that don’t fit into any specific category.  Rightfully so, you three can not be defined by any one category.  Each so different, each so uniquely made and each so wonderful that the pictures can’t be left untouched sitting in la la computer land. 

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Easton finally bugs them back! He is catching on. 

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Gavin can never sit still in the bath. I saw this smiley face and just could not resist. 




The walker has helped and after his first initial 3 steps, he has since walked from the top of the stairs area down the hall to our bedroom.  15 steps or more.  That is all he does at once.  He is still pretty unstable but loves to practice everyday.


Gifts from Nana and Uncle John.  Thanks for all the clothes! 


He loved his new Elmo pajamas. 


Bradley’s favorite was his new Justice League pajamas. 


Easton with his Birthday gift from Aunt Jen, Uncle Andrew and the girls.  A new tunnel so he finally has room of his own.  So excited he couldn’t wait until it was open to start crawling in it, or on it rather. 



With both of them hooked together it makes for one long fun time. 


Each of my boys have done this pose at this age.  So funny and cute! Look at how his leg rolls go over his socks.  Brad and I really do “eat him up” everyday because soon this will be just a faded memory. 



Easton is putting everything in his mouth and I rounded the corner to find this! Of course he has no clue what he is doing but obviously you get how this looks!



Gavin’s new thing is to be wrapped in his bath towel and walk around.  He loves it and when it falls off he asks to “wrap me” again.


Apparently Bradley just is not tired of wearing or seeing this shark costume.  So clever for him to pull it out and wear it for pretend shark play. 


Bradley tickling Easton. 

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They each love Easton’s new car from Grandpop and Grandma Kris. 


Last but certainly not least.  Gavin is potty training so we get to see him half naked all day! He has been doing good and is potty trained on his little potty for number one and two.  I still have not gotten up enough nerve to let him go out in public without a diaper on.  Hoping we will have a breakthrough soon because I am very much OVER two in diapers. 


More random things to come again soon since we really don’t have much else exciting going on.  Just the every day excitement the boys exude. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge

This weekend we ventured to Williamsburg, VA to go to the Great Wolf with my best friend Shannon and her daughter Ava.  This trip was for Bradley and me only while Brad took Gavin and Easton to his parents and watched them there.  We were so excited about this last minute impromptu trip.  The anticipation was killing me so I am glad it wasn’t planned for months and months. 


Here are the little 4 year olds are.  They have adventure at their fingertips and loved climbing up on this wolf rock.



One of the views from inside.  It was hard to take the camera out because it could have gotten wet at any given place inside.



Yummy Buffet with Bradley really getting into his chocolate milk!


Neat tree house with singing chipmunks on a swing in the restaurant. 

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The Clock Tower with all its nature creatures. 

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In their Jammie Jams as we call them in our house.  They get to wear them and go down to the clock tower for the show and a story with Wiley the Wolf at 8pm. 


The back of their heads watching the show. 



At the very end it started to snow.  The story was about a wolf cub and his adventure in the snow so it all tied in.  There eyes lit up really big for that!




Their faces during the story.  Bradley is very serious and Ava is a typical girl who smiles while watching.  I know I do that sometimes. 



Tackling the waves at high tide.


Ava and Bradley played very very good together for not seeing each other all the time.  The picture below was literally the only time we heard them bickering.  He was trying to get her off since he was over it from the picture above. 



Shannon & Ava with Bradley being silly in the clear tube in the background. 



This looks like my 16 year old not my 4 year old.  He is so handsome!



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The slides along with the wave pool was both of their favorites.  Here I caught the back of Bradley’s head because he was getting brave and going down on his belly. 


Shannon, ha-ha!


This was right before we left and we were straight from the water park with our messy hair and no make up.  We actually showered and blow dried our hair that morning before we checked out.  Then we got dunked by the water buckets in the obstacle tree house trying to get to the slides. 

It was so much fun.  Lots of Laughs!! I was so grateful to have this special one on one time with Bradley and time with Shannon and her sweet daughter.