LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Park Weekend

This weekend the weather was amazing here.  Up to 65 degrees I think.  I forgot my camera both days to the park so these are from my phone.  Bradley is climbing and hanging around like a bat! Speaking of bats, the invitations are out for his Batman Birthday Bash! I am trying to make it less complicated and simple for me but we shall see where my mind takes this party.  Party’s can be so expensive but I just want this one, his 4th, to be special for him!  The party is on Saturday the 19th which is his actual birthday so he is so excited and keeps asking when his birthday is going to get here?  We have started the countdown! As if he really knows what 19 days away actually feels like! We love you Batman Bradley!

securedownload 2 




Friday, January 28, 2011

big bother, little bother…I mean BROTHER!

Have you ever seen that cartoon, Olivia, where she calls one of her brothers her little “bother.” She feels he is always getting into all of her things and in general is just a big annoyance! Well, I must say that does happen around here now with the age and dynamics of these three little red heads! After all, you do have to watch out for the red heads they say! This is all OK because they love each other and if they stop doing the bothering than they have probably stopped loving. I know that is how I grew up with two older brothers and I am sure all of us with siblings have felt “so loved” when we were getting annoyed or being called a name. Well, maybe not right then but deep down inside we knew and then when your family follows it up by telling you they love you all the bothering makes sense. Besides, it is all just part of growing up! Bradley is already very good at telling his two little brothers he loves them! Here they are being the best “bothers” to each other….


Gavin’s thinking, “Hey, this is my changing table…jump yourself back down and let me drink!”

Bradley- “Oh Gavin I just love you so much I just want to squeeze the heck out of you!”


Bradley recently had a bag full of toys taken from his room and he can earn them back at the end of this week after we see how good he does cleaning up everyday. He has done Great by the way. Meanwhile, Gavin found the bag! Bradley was very annoyed at this discovery that he was playing with HIS toys!


Gavin wasn’t annoyed though, he was too busy being the bother this time! He totally knew he had hit the jackpot and got all the toys to himself.


Daddy gave them both chem lights and this was really fun having bath time in the dark. They both annoyed each other several times during this sword fight.



Easton is not too sure about this big bother. He can’t even put my paci in right!


Thanks other big bother, that’s better!


This one is sweet, Gavin ended up redeeming himself and showing Easton he loves him with a gentle love tap.


Then that flew out the window when he crushed him. Oops! (Don’t worry, no babies were actual hurt during the creation of this blog!)


Easton still doesn’t know how to play this game yet but I am sure he will be taught by the best! The only thing he does to bother his two big brothers is take their Mommy’s time!

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I wonder what these innocent faces will do to each other next?

Monday, January 24, 2011

15 months

Our Gavin Wavin turned 15 months old on the 21st. I had thought to myself for a week that I wanted to do a post on that actual day but of course once it got here, I forgot.

Gavin is without a doubt a handful but he makes it SO worth it. His little personality is silly, aggressive, fearless, mischievous and loud mixed in with a lot of lovable sweetness. These days like I mentioned before he is into everything. He runs, climbs, jumps, falls and face plants it everyday. He is just non stop! There isn't a day that goes by that we are shooing him out of rooms to shut the door so he wont tear everything apart or the opposite. Gating him in one room to keep the disaster contained. He keeps us on our toes and guessing what’s next but we LOVE every second of it.

He is in 18-24 month clothes and he wears size 6 diapers now and will be there until he potty trains since there is nowhere to go from there. He is getting all four of his molars in. Well, one still is slower than the rest so that means he is STILL drooling! He has a total of 12 teeth now.

He is such a GREAT eater, not picky at all. His favorite foods right now are probably eggs, bananas and any bread product and of course his fat free milk. Keeping it real by keeping it skinny! We still have him drinking that since he doesn’t spit it up like other milk products.

His progression with speaking I wish was more but they say that sometimes the second child can do that since the first child talks for them. Which is probably the case since Bradley is always saying “Gavin wants this and Gavin that…” The few things he does say is Mommy, Daddy, bye-bye, uh-oh, ball, car, baby, Bradley (pronounced bah-buh) and he says faaahhhfrohhh which is Gavin talk for Farting Frog. Yes, this is definitely a boy house and you hear the farting frog a lot around hear! Brad also claims he said “ duct tape” once repeating him. He also makes most all of his basic animal sounds. We can’t wait to hear what funny things he comes up with next.


From 4 months above to 15 months below, look at you GROW!

Hugs & Kisses Gavin Wavin Chunky Funny Boy!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm gonna miss these days….

So, in this past month I have been lucky to have time to update our blog but my days have still been a whirlwind.  I really am just winging this mommy of 3 thing and am definitely in survival mode.  I think I may stay here for a while and I am OK with that because I know these beautiful boys of mine wont be young forever and like the country song says, “your gonna miss these days.” One day there won’t be one crying and one screaming and the dog barking! Wait, we don’t have a dog! Thank God I don’t have a dog right now! I trip over toys but one day I will want those toys back if it means I can go back to this point in time where chaos is combined with cuddles!   So, no complaints here!  Actually, there were some toys that I did not trip over yesterday because they were in our air vent.  Our little Gavin is his own “whirlwind” or more like a tornado.  I pulled out of the air vent hole in Bradley’s room a whole deck of Go Fish, 2 wrestlers, a dragon, a knight, a tennis ball, a pirate, a remote control to a car and Bullseye from Toy Story!  I also think on a daily basis I do like 10 diaper changes between Gavin and Easton.  This is my life and I wouldn’t change anything about it right now…except maybe get a maid a personal trainer and a Chef! There I go day dreaming again since I don’t get enough sleep at night. 

Anyways, here are some random pictures of the days I will one day miss!


Birthday party days!  Bradley went to his friend Jordan’s birthday party this past Saturday.  This is fresh on my mind as I need to get in planning mode for his.  He already told me all his friends and the kid list is at 25! Who knew that I had such a popular boy!  He also wants a Batman theme. 




Shoulder days! One day these boys wont be able to fit on Daddy’s shoulders anymore.  They may even be bigger than there Daddy one day!


Naked days!  Lately, I have been letting the boys run around naked before bath.  Don’t ask me why…it just happened by default since Gavin always escapes and the tradition just stuck. 



Together Days! Our three sons hanging out together.  One day they will all have their own lives and wont be with each other on a daily basis. 



Sunday, January 16, 2011

1 month old

Back in December on this very day this little guy Easton was born. In fact as I am writing this he was one hour old on that day. He is just as amazing one month later as he was then. We are still in that newborn phase when you just hold him and get lost in his warmth and smell. Brad and I just stare in awe and amazement of how cute and sweet he is. We are blessed 3 times over with our 3 little Woodward boys. Easton is no exception to how God has blessed us in this area of our lives. We just hope we can find honor with him in raising them right and wholesome and to live for him.

Easton is now 11 pounds 6 ounces which is two and a half pounds growth from his birthday. He is eating every 2-3 hours and at night just sleeps 3 hours at a time and then wakes up to eat. He still loves to sleep a lot during the day and his swing is one of his favorites. He burps like most men do and likes to spit up some. I hope this doesn’t stick around after all the spit up we saw from Gavin. He uses a pacifier but a lot of times we have to hold it in their to sooth him. I rather it be that than him using “me” all the time. He has a raspy newborn cry. The kind that actually sounds like “whah…whah…whah!” He has flashed us many smiles but I have missed them with the camera. Currently he is developing some baby acne. Thankfully my editing software does help some. All three of the boys had this and it normally happens around this month or two months old and lasts like a month. It drives me crazy because as a mom you don’t want to see little pimples on your baby’s face. I refrain from picking at them though! Here are his one month pictures. If you want to check out the “onsie stickers” that my sister-n-law Jen got him then they are from The backing is clear so a white or pale color is best so the writing shows up but Gavin was sleeping when I took these and I didn’t want to wake him to get another onsie.

Happy 1 month day little “Beast’n Easton” (that is our nick name for you)!



mad at first but it gets better…..



chunky rolls everywhere….



Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ice, Ice and my baby’s!

Come on you know you were just singing MC Hammer  right now! Here are some pictures of us making the best of the ice outside and more pictures of us hanging out inside trying to stay warm.  The town had pretty much been shut down.  Brad is off work and Bradley is out of Preschool thanks to this ICE!


Easton toasty in bed. 


This was from Friday night.  I am proud to say that Liz and I did celebrate and finish our Project Life books for 2010.  That's right! A picture with a journaling card for every day of last year! We tried to take a picture to document it with the self timer and what we got had us cracking up.  Cut off heads and I grabbed my book upside-down.  it’s just funny because you sit there, smile and wait and you think you look all cute…then we got this! Thanks for helping me to complete PL 2010 Liz.  Now onto the digital version for 2011. 


This is our house turned upside down everyday.  We barricade Gavin from Easton but I found him closing in yesterday. 


Gavin now says “baby” for his baby brother and it is so adorably cute to hear!


Bradley was at a sleepover with Sophia on Saturday night so I trapped Gavin in Bradley’s room to get into all the toys without Bradley telling him “No.” He loved his new found freedom (sort of)!


Bradley at Sophia’s house for the sleepover!


Back to Gavin at home!



Gavin was very excited and ran to the door when Bradley was coming home.  No freedom is worth his time away from his big brother!


On Sunday evening it snowed and we didn’t get out there until today but we were doing a lot of playing.  With our tickle monster hands and telling time games and Elefun and playing in the Toy story tent and tunnel.  These boys have had no shortage of laughter and attention that's for sure!



When we went outside today it was no longer soft fluffy snow but it had iced over.  Bradley and Daddy flew a remote control helicopter.  Bradley had so much fun flying it.  They landed successfully at times and sometimes it took a dive. 



They flew it right into a tree!


Waiting patiently for Daddy to rescue the downed plane. 


They got it and flew it a few more times but then it was onto sledding.  I love how he can watch and learn from his Dad on how to problem solve and Brad always includes him in the process even if it is just listening to his 3 year old ideas! Bradley said that maybe he needed a ladder and told Brad he had one in the garage! So cute!



Yep, he is excited about ice sledding!



Go Bradley Bear!


Daddy’s turn!



They went really fast with Brad pushing with his hands and steered through the bushes.  Bradley thought it was very exciting. 



Now it was my turn for fun since I did have Gavin and Easton sleeping inside. 


Who knew ice could be so much fun! All you need is the family you love, a blow up military issued mattress and a trash bag!