LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bradley Is A Thankful Indian

On Monday, the week of Thanksgiving, Bradley had a Kindergarten Thanksgiving Performance and friendship feast. 


Here is my cool Indian singing away with his classmates. They performed in the big auditorium on stage so that was a first. They sung all your usual fun upbeat turkey songs and ones all about the history of Thanksgiving.

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Here he is at his feat with his classmates.  The hieroglyphics on his feather hat have symbols that spell his name.  He is wearing his painted animal skin vest with his noodle necklace and his quiver of arrows to hunt for food.  He taught me what that was called. 


I should have had someone take a picture but we were very thankful Daddy got to make it to see him.


Sharing his hat with Gavin.


Some homework that came home leading up to Thanksgiving. One must never forget to be thankful for cheetahs and buffalos. 


Let’s not forget about teachers or the army.  We are thankful for the army but I said “Hey, you know your Dad wasn’t in the army right?” and he said “Well, I thought he was in the Navy and Marines.” I told him he was in the Air Force which he just forgot that name but I am glad we have everyone else covered.  Mr. Mike for the Army, Dunka for the Navy and Uncle Billy for the Marines.  Everyone but Daddy in the Air Force. 


It gets even better.  He is thankful for Ninjas, Power Rangers, rattlesnakes and his house.


This I had to include and I wish I knew the reason behind the sentence.  It made me laugh because a mouse can’t sink a boat silly boy!

We are very thankful for our amazing first born son. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

This & That

I go through phases with this blog but right now I am going to try and write down a few funny or sweet things the boys have said recently.

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Gavin waking up from his nap and getting into things as usual.  Bradley and I walk in and  Gavin says “I’m getting cookies momma!” and Bradley says “well, you certainly aren’t getting any cookies considering the fact that you just got a pancake out!”  Gavin’s response, “Oh”

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Instagram and FB may just be my curse even though they are so fun.  Uploading them on there does me no good as far as being my family’s historian.  It is just documented in cyber world.  Remembering to repost things on my blog since my I cloud has not been working is a challenge.  #ihatetechnology  By the way, I have no clue what any of the # things are!!


No shoes, No shirt and No problems waiting for Mommy to serve them dinner. Uhmmmm, Seriously!

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Gavin entertaining his little buddy Sawyer. Easton is too sitting on the table talking to him.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Easton @ 22 months (2 days late)

Well, better late than never they say right?  Here is Easton with no 22 month sticker but at least it is just him.  As I am writing this he is 23 months old and very fast approaching his second birthday but were not going to talk any more about that (denial over here)! We’re just going to talk about Easton this past month.  I also do realize I have skipped his 21 month altogether and I last posted at 20 months. I am striking out left and right.  I don’t even want to say that in his short life I have already forgotten his birthday in my mind.  I really have to think about it and focus on not forgetting with it being shuffled in with holiday madness.  Everyone warned me but there was nothing I could do!



What has not changed for sure is the thumb sucking. 


He could have gotten even more silly and outgoing! The hair has gotten more wild too.  He is going to look back and wonder why we didn't cut it or comb it?! Good question buddy! I think it is a combo of several different things.  I am afraid of chopping off those curls, I get too busy to brush (aghhh…yes I just wrote that) and we are sticking with the notion that it gives you character! You wear it well Bubbas.

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I love how I caught him playing with his toes.  I think he was actually picking his toe nails but this doesn't happen too often at this age.  It reminded me of the baby days when they find there feet.  So sweet!


Being 2 is going to look very good on him! He is ready!  His squint nose face that we see very often when smiling.  Bradley did this too but E may have just mastered it!


Here he is laughing at Bradley after just getting over crying! Big brothers make it better and being the third isn’t all so bad.  I think he had unzipped himself and then was crying when he couldn’t get his arms out.

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He loves him some french fries and he loves to say “french fry” too.  He asks for them daily! What he has been doing more of is not just saying new words but saying more small sentences.  He loves the tunnels at parks and he loves throwing and kicking balls and his one eyed frog he sleeps with.  He also loves his dinosaur pillow pet that he calls “donkey.” He can not go to sleep without these two stuffed animals now.  He is also into saying “Help” a lot in desperation when he really is fine.  Plea for attention I guess.  He also likes to buckle himself in his booster seat at the table and says “I buckle” after.  He also knows a few bad words and is wearing mommy thin on trying to get him to stop.  He knows a lot more and understands a lot more than we would like to admit. He is mischievous and even has lied already.  It is really hard at this age to tell if he is just throwing an answer at you and not completely understanding.  He gets in trouble anyways.  Like for example he said “no” to me when I asked him if he threw a toy at Bradley and then later when I asked him again he said “I throw toy.” He is strong willed like both his brothers and I have way too many A type personalities in this house!!! Just pray for me!


That is all I have for now until he is TWO on December 16th. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My SOTW and Big Boy Biker

Last week Bradley was awarded Student of the Week. He had to design a t-shirt that reflected him. Unfortunately we procrastinated doing it and Daddy was out of town that night so poor little Bradley bear was stuck with mommy’s artistic skills. It was right after Halloween so we just put our creepy crawly spider silhouette on there and taped a rubber snake, all things my boy is fascinated with.  Also he loves cheetahs and dino’s and scooters and fish and dragons and popcorn, Jesus, ice cream, surfing, Spiderman, Batman, America, baseball and the list goes on and on.

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He would absolutely wear a shirt like this too! 

Last Saturday, we headed to the park with the training wheels OFF! This was long overdue but life is just crazy and we could not do a thing like this without Daddy.  Our inclinations were right when we weren't even done getting Gavin’s new bike out and Bradley just took off on his bike without us helping at all.  You know, where you are walking holding on to the seat and you let go and in that moment they no longer need your help.  Well, apparently Brad and I do not get that moment with him. When I turned around Bradley was halfway out the parking lot circle. We were both very proud of him and excited for this new found freedom he has. He would agree and loves riding his bike so much more now.  We have been back to the park every night this week practically.  It is just so new to both of them so they can’t get enough of it right now.



Gavin is a pro at his new bike now too.


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Daddy taking video. 

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Easton was ticked and threw a little crying tantrum because he wanted a bike.  You would think we would not forget this lesson we learn over and over again.  You know…do not assume Easton is chill anymore, he wants to do everything that his brothers do.  So, he hijacked Gavin’s bike and I had to push him on it and Gavin just rode his scooter. So, now we take Easton his own tricycle to the park.  We seriously need a bigger car!



My biker boys!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halloween Festivities

It was extremely hard for me to get into fall spirit this year.  I love fall just as much as most people do but when we got back from the beach during the second week of October it was a little hard.  I felt like I had lost some valuable time to plan out our month.  With that said I think with any holiday and three boys sometimes I just wing it and maybe I will never plan out our month in activities and crafts. I will try and pick up on my traditions next year.  I felt really bad that we did not go to the pumpkin farm like we normally do as a family. Instead I went with my MOPS group and never even asked Brad for us to go back.  I knew it was just too hectic. Also, I failed in coloring, carving or anything with a pumpkin.  I still plan on doing that though.  I want to dig mine out and make pumpkin seeds and I have a super weird tradition of letting the boys throw and smash the pumpkins in the woods once Thanksgiving is over…I guess we can still do that.

Anyways, here are the things we did do…..

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The pumpkin patch with just Gavin, Easton and Mommy.  Bradley was in school during the time I went with my Mops group.  We slid and went on a tractor ride and the pumpkin jump! Easton loved it more than I thought he would.


I almost forgot these pictures on my phone.  Here is Gavin at his Birthday party day at school.


Bradley’s school hosted a Fall Festival as a PTA Fundraiser. It was on a Friday night and Brad was out of town so I was at it again on my own.  It had its fun moments but I was not feeling good and these boys are a handful at any ‘event’ situation by myself.  Here is Bradley being shy with the girl in his class named SOPHIA (go figure) and she likes him. Bradley’s teacher clued me in.  It is funny that Bradley’s two best girls that he knows are named Sophia and Jordan and now this year in his class he has a Sophia and Jordan in his class, but not them :(

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Superman on the bounce farm.


It is safe to say Easton loves bounce house’s now.


We ate dinner there, PIZZA!

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We ate dessert there too.  I sent Bradley with $5 to buy ice cream and he came back with this gourmet candy apple instead and no change. I give him a little freedom and he blows the money. Ha!


Before we left I asked for a picture and this is IT!! My messes!


I was the party mom for Halloween this year for Gavin’s class.  Here I am with my powder coated donut boy.


Miss Debbie is the sweetest soul.  She dresses up as this pumpkin every year. 


Some of his classmates, including Chase!


Since I was there he was clinging to my side but I imagine he normally is mixed in with his friends.  They were dancing and freezing.

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Lastly, here we all are on trick or treat night. Halloween! We opted for a trunk or treat with Liz and the gang. It worked out perfect because it was on a school night and it wasn’t as cold as it would have been even later.  We were home by 6:30 when all the trick or treating at our house was starting.  The boys got to pass out all the candy at our door with me and I was still able to do baths and get Easton to bed by 7.

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My scary skeleton…..My strong Superman and My….


Sweet Shark! This shark has just become a joke seriously.  The best $20 I have ever spent.  I think each boy has worn it twice (whether it fits or not). Unfortunately it will have to swim back out to sea next year and wont be appearing anymore.  I may keep it a little while.  Sometimes the boys put it on and pretend play with it.


Chase saw Bradley’s skeleton face and freaked like most kids did.  Easton did not like him wearing it either.


The Pirate and Superman.


Not sure why we are all staring at Easton.  He must have done something cute.  The next best thing aside from that smile is Liz and I both have our cameras ready and Celia is the one who caught the moment.  A lot of good we were, haha! Easton was so funny with the trick or treat process.  He would give them back a piece of candy before he took another piece from the next person. He also always had to have something in his hand.  He couldn’t just drop it in his bag.  So adorable!


Daddy trying to show him.


I put it in here Da-Da?


My Jack O lantern.


Craft time.  I did not save it so I have to write it down.  There was a little harvest coloring craft with a bible verse on it and Bradley picked it up and started circling his “sight” words on it.  Too smart for his own good sometimes.  He didn’t color it…just found his sight words.


Bradley and Sophia did ‘bobbing for donuts’ or jumping was more like it. 




The boys had a blast.  It was a great night!