LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

How lovely are your branches………..?  Our tree is not so lovely.  The ornaments are lovely to Gavin and that is why our tree looks like this.


Brad and Bradley went to pick a real tree on Saturday morning and I was finished all the decorating by Sunday evening.  This included trips for more lights and all my many distractions! Well, by Monday night all the bottom ornaments were gone.  A few broken, most of them scattered all over the floor and all the dangerous or glass ones had been moved to the top! So, THIS IS IT! It will have to remain like this the rest of the month.  When Bradley was 10 months old and at a intrigued age for the tree he was over it after I told him “No” a few times and it just become like a piece of furniture in the house that was off limits.

Gavin, on the other hand, has run around the tree, tried to eat the tree, pulled the lights.  I am really praying he never knocks it over!!  Here are some more pictures of our decorating weekend.


Gavin already knows which one is his Santa! 


Bradley being Hercules in the tree skirt!  A true Roman Soldier get up!




Look at that face!


What Mom….it doesn't matter how many snowman you put out for me to play with, I still love things I can’t touch the best!



I wonder what it tastes like? 


Bradley helping Mommy with the final touches on Sunday evening before Gavin made us rearrange it. 


Bradley puts all the ornaments in one spot anyways so this is definitely just a KIDS tree this year!  Is it surprising that Bradley is shirtless too?!


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Also, I am one week away from my due date today.  I went to the doctor yesterday and am making other progressions but am not dilated yet.  I have been having pre labor contractions though and today was on the heating pad a lot because my back was killing me.  Hopefully the next post will be brought to you by my favorite and the best guest blogger….LIZ! To keep everyone up to date on the delivery and the announcement of the birth of our third Woodward son!

Friday, November 26, 2010


This Thanksgiving we went to Charlotte just for the night.  We had a wonderful time and had a combined dinner with some of our family and some of Joanie’s family.  All the food was amazing but I really didn’t have much room for much of it.  I felt like I would literally explode from eating one bite of my favorites.  The baby has really made himself comfortable!

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for all my family and the gift of new life and I am especially thankful for Gods promises.  There are so many things that may not be perfect and things that we pray for that seem like they aren’t being answered but there is hope when you know all the things God does promise us and that he WANTS to give us the desires of our hearts.  These are just a few pictures of our day that include some of the things and people I am thankful for….


Jackson got a new puppy! I was thankful Gavin didn’t try to torture him.  In fact the puppy loved to go after Gavin and he didn’t cry.  Gavin and Riggo are now best buds and through there friendship Gavin learned to say PUPPY!



So thankful for my husband and these two redheaded boys and the baby in my belly!


For my Mom and Jackson.


My blessing boys!




All of us before Laura’s husband and his family arrived for dinner. 

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I'm not sure if I am thankful for rough housing but I am thankful that the boys are normally not hurt bad. 


My brothers.  Andrew wasn’t there but I can’t mention one without the other! Also for the food God provides for us!


Warmth and beauty in the world!

Our Thanksgiving 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nothing Something

Here at our house we have been up to a whole lot of nothing but waiting on the big baby something to happen.   It is in those simple uneventful moments where I find some of my best joy!   My mom came to visit so Brad and I went out on a date to the classic dinner and a movie.  She is now back at my brothers house in Charlotte helping with Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.  We are saying a prayer, throwing the baby car seat in and will be joining them tomorrow.  All set to deliver in a Charlotte hospital but I am not getting that feeling like I will.  I still have 12 days after turkey day until my due date!



One of my last few belly shots!


Gavin got some new shoes so I was letting him get used to them and I just love his little legs!


The sweetest thing!  Oh yes, and I can not forget to mention that Gavin is now 13 months old and he has officially said his FIRST WORD which is…..SIT! We don't treat him like a dog but he must hear us telling Bradley all the time at the table and he is also into backing his butt up on you and just sitting whenever he feels the need so we always acknowledge how cute that is so I am guessing that is how the word SIT came to be his first.   He always tried to form ball or car but never quite finished and sit is really easy but its kind a funny of what it sounds like he could be saying instead!  I would be the worst mom ever for that one. 


I had to document this.  Bradley has not liked feet pajamas for a while but he has some in his size and one night said he wanted to wear them.  I thought “Yes, perfect time for a cute Christmas pajama picture of the boys all in feet ones!” But…..Nope, he started undressing….

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I have been doing some online shopping to try to get ready for Christmas and not have to take the baby out a lot to shop.  Boys are always climbing on something!


We got our carpets cleaned since Gavin is pretty much not spitting up anymore it needed a good cleaning from all his many spots this past year.  So, we played in the backyard while our house was being taken over. 


Gavin ran around with a bat the whole time and was perfectly happy!


I tried to get some pictures of them and it ended up that the best ones are the ones trying.  Gavin just does not sit still. 


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Gavin laughing at Bradley while he swings him. 


There have been a lot of giggle fests lately too because the boys are both at a playful fun age!


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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful for my Pilgrim Boy



had his Thanksgiving performance and Thanksgiving feast for the parents at school on Wednesday.  The performance as pilgrims was first and him along with his class sung songs titled….

“The Pilgrims are Coming, Hoorah, hoorah! “

“Hello Mr. Turkey, How are you?  With a Gobble, Gobble, Gobble and a Wobble, Wobble, Wobble”

“Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, A Turkey am I.  I’m not here for Singing, I’m here for Thanksgiving…”

“1 little, 2 little….5 little Pilgrims…and all of the pilgrims said a thanksgiving blessing!”

“You put the Turkey In, You take the Turkey Out, You mash the mashed potatoes and you shuck the yellow corn and then you thank the Lord, Amen!”

Then after the fourth grade class performed they said to us their prayer that they say everyday in class for snack which is….”For food to eat and friends to Love, We thank You Lord our Father above, Amen.”

Next the Flag came out and they said the Pledge of Allegiance and “Our Country ‘Tis of Thee” which they also do everyday.  Pretty awesome I think! Bradley did very good through all of it.  He still had his little nervous habit in the beginning but he was looking for me in the crowd and smiled when he saw me.  Once it was time to sing he did just that and got into the fun without being nervous.  Our little man is growing up so handsomely!


Walking to line up with Pia.


Mrs. Debbie fixing them standing, like teachers do :)

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Checking to make sure he knows exactly where Pia is!


Our little Pilgrim & Me

Once I arrived home we organized all his stuff…..


A half turkey half pilgrim Bradley.  So cute! This is a centerpiece that we will be saving for all the Thanksgivings to come so we can always remember his sweet face!


He was showing me all his turkey hands that he made table placemats for our family! So sweet, but I cut them up since I didn’t think they would last and were not cooking Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year.


He helped me decorate the mantle with all his Thanksgiving art.


The final product so we aren’t looking at my beach picture every season.  We didn’t get too crazy since Christmas things will be going up the day after Thanksgiving.  I hope to be able to decorate for Christmas before the baby gets here so we can have a very special holiday as a family of 5!