LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

God & Gavin are Good!!

Great news! Gavin’s hemoglobin count and iron levels are on track.  Turns out the doctor wanted to see us today just to make sure Gavin’s fever was going down, which it has! Yeah!  So once again I get to report Gavin is going and growing strong and God is forever steadfast and wonderful to our family!


We are just hanging out now and I just sent Brad and Bradley to Wal-Mart to pick up some groceries and to get a convertible car seat for Gavin.  He’s moving up in the world.  You should have heard Brad and I trying to discuss the easiest and least expensive way to have 3 car seats lined up for all the boys!  The craziness begins. I also cant believe I actually have Gavin’s one year appointment scheduled on my calendar.  Now its getting me to start thinking about his first birthday party??? Hmmmm…..

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

9 months old and yard work

Gavin turned 9 months old on the 21st!  As much as I would love for this story to be all about him I just don’t think that will work for our family.  With it growing so big with three boys, I know each one will always have something new to share and I don’t want to blog 3 times each day :)


So, he had his standard check up appointment scheduled for today but that ended up getting bumped up to yesterday when he woke up with a fever of 102! In addition he also had pink eye which I discovered Friday afternoon.  We just treated that on our own with drops Bradley had from a while back.  So yesterday at the Doctors a lot happened.  This is what we learned…

Weight: 21 lbs.  50th percentile

Height: 29 inches  75th percentile

Pink eye status- we were doing the right thing and it has now cleared up pretty well.

Fever: His brother shared his viral infection with him.  Wasn’t that nice of him! So with a virus all I can do is let it run its course and pray for this little man to get better soon.  Also, Tylenol, so he can be comfortable not miserable.

Shots: None were scheduled which was good since he had a fever but what happened was worse.  He did have to get a prick on his foot to test iron levels.  This is always standard.  Well, they were low so the doctor wanted to get blood drawn so he could get a Hemoglobin count.  They had a “blood drawer nurse person lady” on staff but she was 0 for 2 that day and had no such luck drawing enough blood.  It was HORRIBLE that they made me hold his arm down and hold him while she tried.  He was screaming his head off and wiggling like crazy.

After that they sent Gavin and I to the hospital next door to have the Professionals do it.  That was much better.  They actually had a designated baby area to draw blood and 3 people did it and I comforted.  Not that it helped.  He only stopped once he was safe in my arms not on the table. 


Hospital tag.

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With his tagged foot, bandaged arm and the horse they gave him at the hospital for being such a BRAVE baby! He even got another horse for Bradley since those are his favorite.  So thoughtful of him ;)

I get the results tomorrow of his blood work and hopefully all that will result is just giving him liquid iron supplements.  I am frustrated because the doctor mentioned his iron levels could be a result of his diet and I said “Hello! Why do you think I have been trying to get his reflux figured out and stopped!” He spits up 50% of what I give him DAILY and I feel like I limit his food, the colors of it and he would be in a higher percentile if he didn’t have reflux.” I feel like I am going in circles with the doctor on this.  He is now on his second medication to try and get his reflux under control and I have to wait a week for it to kick in! So, we are praying for something to work or for him to just grow out of it quick and for great results! The main thing is that all in all he is healthy and has gained weight consistently so the doctor always brushed off me complaining about spit-up but if its effecting his iron I want to do more for him to help!

At 9 months Gavin is INTO EVERYTHING! He just learned how to climb up the whole flight of stairs.  He is also crawling normal now instead of his old worm crawl.  Pulling up, cruising around things and he has stood on his own for a hot second! He eats shoes, daddy’s hats, toilet paper and pulls cords out from the wall socket.  So not cool and this one isn’t either.  He actually pulls the air vent covers off the floors.  Very Dangerous.  Not to mention he would climb into the fireplace and hang out there if he ever got the chance. 


Eating paper money!


I can no longer put Bradley’s chores or art work on the bottom of the fridge.  Guess who eats and rips it all up?  This is him when his pink eye was happening.


He does love these puffs! He is eating everything and has tried all baby foods but like I said I have since limited intake, trying not to overfeed him, the color because it has stained our carpets and he even spits chunks of food up.  I already have one picky eater in Bradley and I want him to be able to try and eat everything.  he has 4 teeth and 4 more coming in on the top.  I have caught him grinding his teeth too.  EEEEEKKKKKKK!


Loves his “da-da” and says it all the time.  He does still say “ma-ma” and “ba-ba” and that’s about it so far. 


He likes those hats! Yum! Bradley repeats everything Brad says to Gavin like a mini daddy to him.  Bradley also still doesn’t like to share the attention to much….


When Gavin gets it…He loves attention!!!

Lastly, here are just some pictures of Bradley helping Brad do yard work yesterday. 

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I love how he is looking at him here.  I see a lot of help around the house, yard and cars in our future with 3 boys!



I love my life with my boys!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Flashback Friday / BQOTD

Three years ago this month, my brother, Jen and their new daughter Aubrey came to visit.  We were all in the new baby heaven but hazy phase.  My have times changed as these two babies have grown into kids. 

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The Bradley quote of the day is…..

“Mommy, what does the word Idiot mean?”


“Mommy, come help!  Gavin fell ALL BY HIMSELF!”

I thought the incriminating yourself, lying and mean words would come a year later or so.  Brad and I sure are in for it!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Disney Fever Day 3

Our last day at Disney World consisted of the Magic Kingdom only.  After seeing three parks pretty fast we wanted to go back and do all we missed at the magical place for kids.  We had to check out of the hotel too so we got Grammy a one day pass so Gavin and her could  experience Disney World too.  Bradley was feeling 50% better today and was walking and standing in lines where the two days before we carried him when he wasn’t in the stroller. 

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Our first family picture in a long time.  Including baby Boy #3 in my belly. 

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He rode the carousel with each of us.  Horses are his favorite animal these days so he couldn't get enough of this ride. 

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Flying on a magical carpet!

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I didn't get to ride Dumbo, my favorite, so I was making the best of the carpet.  Was this trip for Bradley or me, haha?!

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Another Safari but on a boat this time. 

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In the Swiss family tree house with the castle in the distance. 

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Starting our exploration on Tom Sawyers Island.  Brad said this place was dear to his heart because him and Billy used to stay on the island for hours when they went to Disneyland every year.  He loved being able to bring the boys to see it. 

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Gavin was caught of guard by the flash in the dark cave.  So funny!

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Gavin’s first gun lesson.

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Show me more Daddy….

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No instruction needed for Bradley.  Pow- Powing the bad guys invading the island. 

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In the well bucket. 

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Bradley really was scared of this cave face. 

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Back to ride the horses.  Then in Tomorrowland, Daddy and Bradley drove the race cars again and this is where we were when the fireworks started…..

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Goodbye and Goodnight Disney World.  We will miss you!

Disney Fever Day 2

Let me clarify that we are back home and have been since Monday night.  I am not blogging in “real time.” I am amazed at those of you who can do that while on vacation but we were too nonstop for me to even try. 

Day 2 we just went to Hollywood Studios.  Specifically for a Toy Story ride and I heard you could meet Buzz there.  Bradley is all about Buzz Lightyear these days.  Bradley’s condition was the same in the morning but by the afternoon it got a little worse. 

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Welcome to Hollywood Studios

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Bradley thought it was neat to see these soldiers walking around.  They were being loud and doing there army soldier talk too that they do in the Toy Story movie.

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We found the ride we came for.  I think we all enjoyed the Toy Story rides.  You get to shoot at targets while you are riding.  

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You recognize this stud, I mean spud!

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Stinky Pete

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The reason we came and look how it turned out! He later said he just likes Buzz in the movie.  He was intimidated to meet him big and in real life!

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Thumbs up for Lightning McQueen

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Then we saw a show of how they do movie stunts.  Brad thought this was cool and I’m glad he enjoyed it because Bradley was so sick he fell asleep on my lap and we left afterwards to go back to the hotel. 

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We took the boys to the pool to cool off.  Bradley didn’t last long here and asked to go to sleep. 


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Gavin grabbing Grammy.  He is a big grabber these days and into everything but so cute doing it. 

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After getting cleaned up back at the hotel my mom watched the boys for us so we could go on our second dinner date.  This was a perk we weren’t expecting and happened since Bradley was sick and needed to sleep instead of all going out for dinner.