LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Rojo Rad Party & Last Week


This past week was typical happenings for us.  Some old and some new things.  Easton found this military gear and has been sporting it around daily.  He doesn’t want to take it off but we don’t mind.  It makes Brad proud and he is just the cutest in it! He puts his sippy cup and toys inside so he is always prepared on the battle field.  A toy gun is included of course!


Easton also is into acting like a puppy dog currently.  I completely remember that about this time Bradley and Gavin were into playing ‘animals’ too. The down side to this pack is that Gavin and Bradley have discovered the loop and they hook him with a bungee cord and walk him around like the puppy he is acting like.  This puppy needed a break.

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Gavin was also sick this past week and as I am writing this has past it onto Easton and me now.  Here we are torturing him putting eye ointment in from what we thought was pink eye but we took him to the doctors when it wasn't working and he said it was just a viral cold that was in his eye. 


By Thursday his eyes were clear and he got to go to school in time for his last day before spring break.   They had their Easter party and egg hunt so he came home with lots of fun goodies. They ate candy for lunch that day.  Sometimes I just don’t win the battles!

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On Saturday we helped out our friends Brian and Becky throwing a party for our friends Luke (Uncle Rojo) and his wife Stacy.  They are moving to Tucson and we are all sad over it.  It is the same sad story that we did not spend enough time with them when they lived here and now they are leaving and we want to cram it all in.  I hate that but is the military lifestyle sometimes. The times we have spent with them have been awesome. Including hulk smash with his favorite Woodward red heads and Rojo and Brad signing a letter stating '’we will not fart when we are 70.’ Becky still has the paper. These are among so many other memories we share with them and Brad and Rojo as team mates, I am sure their are many stories I don’t know about and probably wouldn’t want to.  


The kids loved getting him with silly string.  He was such a good sport and had no clue.  We totally pulled off the SURPRISE!

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Shout out to some amazing selfless wives and moms. Also note that I am not one of the moms with a baby on her hip!


Rojo being Hulk Smash with all the kids.  One of the many reasons we love him.



Bradley (shyly) giving him his going away card he made for him.  It said ‘Your name means RED but really it is ORANGE…. You are special to me…..I will miss you in Arizona…’

Stuff like that from my sweet six year old.



They even hooked him up with booking his favorite band the Java Mules to play.  The instruments and their voices were amazing.  It was blue grass but it wasn’t too country either.


The fun didn’t stop there.  The kids got to take swings at a piƱata.  Rojo really went to work for his own party but that is him.  He loves being with the kids.



As the evening was winding down Bradley and Ducky made sure to fit in their moment too.  She listened while Bradley explained an entire movie.  You know B, you could have just watched it with her!


They guys.  Do I dare even call them that.  They are being straight up little goofy boys in these pictures.

To think, these are some of the men defending our country.  They act completely different when doing that?!



I kept saying to them ‘what are you girls doing?” I would keep seeing them chatting off to the side with each other.  They have missed each other so.

Brad and Brendan


It was a great week and weekend, minus the sickness.  I hope we can all kick these colds really soon. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Colorful Fun

This past week Daddy was in Winston- Salem at work.  We stayed home and held down the fort while he was putting in some really long hours being awesome.


Here the boys are on Monday morning watching a movie in bed.  Gavin doesn’t have school so once Bradley is off to school some days we get to chill in the mornings.  Once these two are at each others throats though I high tail it out the door because there is no sense in being home!


I did awful at taking pictures this week.  Only on my phone and they are not updating currently.  Probably a storage issue.  Every time I turn around I don’t have enough storage.  This seems to be the story of my life.  I need more available SPACE! If only :) Anyways, above is the cutest smiley picture.  LOL, I wonder if Easton can see?! Bradley was getting ready on Friday morning to turn his leprechaun trap in at school so we had to document our masterpiece.  Good thing too because it was wrecked by the time I picked him up.  He said no one caught the leprechaun that day because he is too quick and too clever even though he wrote them a note and said all their traps were very impressive.  Bradley loved the leprechaun visiting his class.  He even tied up Mrs.. Lingerfeldt his assistant teacher and all the kids had to work together to get her untied. 

After somehow surviving the week. On Friday, we headed to Winston- Salem to meet Daddy there.  I had signed up for a 5K race with Laura and it just worked out that Brad was there.  He just extended his hotel room for a night.  We got there and were right in downtown WS.  It is a pretty neat city with lots of character and history.  We ate dinner on Friday with Brad’s boss and Doc Johnson and his wife Mary. They love the boys and they boys love them right back. I should have gotten a picture but what mom thinks of that in a restaurant at 7 at night with three kids.


Saturday morning it was time to run! Laura and Jordan are behind me in the blue shorts and socks.  Brad and the boys watched me run by at the yellow color point and then saw me at the finish line.

It was pretty cool.  They had music blasting at each color.  There was yellow, blue, green, purple and orange.  I may have lost count, there may have been more.  There were about 10 people squirting and throwing color on all the people running through.  Some was in powder and some was liquid color. I definitely did not get bored on this run like I have when left on my own to run!

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I ended up helping Laura some with the kids.  I am glad I did not have any of mine in the race. It was an amazing experience but you do get pretty filthy and I would not want to clean all of that off the boys. 


Laura and I – FINISHERS!!


Rubbing my color on him and embarrassing him at the same time.  I love it!!


The after party color explosion! I took Bradley and Gavin in with me and let them throw the color up. 


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The whole DZK colorplasty crew.  I was the odd one out but I’m glad Brad and the boys weren’t in it with me and were just my supporters for the morning! Not quiet sure why I am such a dork either but hey, whatever.  I must of had a runners high or something. 


After that we took the kids to The Children’s Museum of Winston Salem.  I attempted to clean myself up and off we went.  They were such good sports and we wanted to treat them to something. 


I loved all the cute sayings posted here and there. These were in the story section.



Climbing the beanstalk.


Bradley is a man on a mission and so independent these days.  He goes off on his own and doesn’t really mind when he doesn’t know where we are.  oh my!




I know my boys love donuts but Bradley stayed here for like 15 minutes making fake donuts!




It was a wonderful weekend.  We got home on Saturday evening to Gavin with pink eye and a little fever today now.  We have been taking care of him and now getting ready for another week in the life of us!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Discover a new place

A few Wednesday’s ago the big kids had a day off school for a teacher work day. We went with Liz, Pia and Chase to discover Discovery Place Kids that had just opened up thirty minutes away.  The kids had so much fun.  We stayed for practically four hours there and I literally could not pull Easton out of that place.  We thought the kids were following us and then one would dart in a different direction.  Keeping up with five in a place with tons of kids that blend together was interesting to say the least.  My head was spinning. We also had the same idea that many of our friends had because we ran into so many people.  Funny that it works out sometimes you have to go to a different city to see the people in your very own town.


Gavin proves his softer side once again by picking flowers for Liz and Mommy.



Daddy was impressed with this heart structure.  Easton of course wasn’t looking at it and mapping out the atrium and ventricles.  He was just climbing in them.



Sophia, Bradley and Patrick. Patrick is in class with Bradley this year.


Arts & crafts by Easton.


Puppet show.


The best buds top and bottom combo’s !! :)




There was a really cool dim lighted tree fort that all the kids loved.


Laslty there was the water table they enjoyed.  They were drenched too!


We survived.  We discovered.  We will go back.