LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

2012 Grad!

Bradley graduated from preschool on Thursday, May 24th, 2012.  So thankful for everything that led him to this special point and so happy for what’s next in this little man’s life.  He may be getting big but he will always be our baby.  Here our the pictures of our PROUD night with Bradley the 2012 Graduate!


They all walked in to the commencement song.


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They performed a small song from each month of the year.




Bradley is last because of his name so while he was waiting, he and another “W” were getting a little stir crazy and silly.  Thankfully it was quiet and wasn’t obnoxious or anything.  It was cute not anything bad.


It went from silly to “when is this going to be over!” The parents were laughing.  This is only 20 kids, imagine how he will feel after waiting for 100 plus when in high school.


His long drawn out theatrical performance ended with a standing and clapping ovation.  Since no one clapped in-between each child being held their diploma everyone clapped after his name was called and Miss Nina said “And finally Bradley Woodward!” he ran to her and she picked him up and hugged him. It was the sweetest thing.

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Mommy with her graduate. Unfortunately Daddy was out of town working and he would have loved to be there.  I made sure to give him undivided attention and dropped the other two munchkins off to play and be watched.



The two friends celebrating a great year together.  A great two years together!


They made autograph books for each child, had a cake with each child’s name on it and we got some memento's to take home.


In his little cap and gown.




He really does his name correctly.  He does this when he is lazy or in a hurry or maybe even a little over/bored of schoolwork.  Very frustrating.  He also only started doing it towards the end of the year.  He went through being “burnt out” with preschool I think.  Obviously, since one of the star corners says he likes school because they have the best toys! Huh, Really?!!!!!


It was a great night and everything was done to make it a special moment for them. It definitely was.  We are sad to say goodbye to friends we have made since the class will be split up to several different schools but we are ready for kindergarten!  Most of all we are glad you had this outlet to have fun while learning. Great Job Bradley Bear!


Kisses from Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Crazy Boys, Crazy Week!

This week has been busy and it is about to get busier.  We are headed to the Lake House for Memorial Day weekend.  We will be home Tuesday and then Wednesday I am flying ALONE to California.  Yes, you read right.  Brad will be watching the boys for four straight days while I go to Brit’s Baby Shower.  We have been doing all the things for Bradley’s LAST week of Preschool.  I can’t believe it.  Along with baseball, Daddy got home Friday from working in Florida.  We are also desperately mattress shopping and shopping for Brad’s gear to prepare for the Iron Man competition.  Anyways, when things get busy I think all you moms know that is when the kids get CRAZY (er)! 

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Easton found toilet paper unoccupied for a while!!!

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So much fun he thinks ;)

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Gavin is officially potty trained! Yay! That happened within the last couple weeks.

I just decided to not indulge his accidents and no more diapers have gone on this white as snow butt.

He even wakes up from sleeping to go most of the time! He sleeps walks and cries all the way to the toilet.

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So as you can see even with being potty trained he does not feel like the streaking should be over.

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Climbing all over Daddy the night he got home.


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Somehow in the craziness we took much needed family photos by EDS Photography ( Liz). 

We have not had family pictures planned since Easton was a newborn so we are so grateful and so excited to have them done.  This is just one of many to come!

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On Monday we were cordially invited to Bradley’s Graduation!

Time flies when you are busy growing up, having fun and being smart, right Bradley?!

Mommy & Daddy are so proud of our son who had perfect marks on his reviews throughout the whole year.

Not saying your perfect, maybe just perfect at fooling Miss Nina!





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Monday night baseball.

Then, this was all last night.  Puzzles with Daddy.





Alongside, Gavin & Easton spent some bonding time playing alone.  Easton pushes Gavin now and Gavin says “Heeeyyyy, don’t push me Eastyyyy!”


Then Bradley and I quickly made his end of the year gifts for his two teachers before bed time.

Simple Pinterest idea that was right up my ally for a busy week.  I had time to do it!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Baseball at the Park

It is cleverly convenient to have the baseball fields near the park.  Last practice we went early and took the boys to play. 


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Easton is very expressive these days.


Bradley now “trains” in par core!


Big Brother Gavin has Easty on a roll.


Too bad he can’t put his training dedication into baseball.  He gets a little sidetracked doing who in the heck knows what!


They got their uniform’s.  A a shirt and hat.  Ironically the Blue Jays are not blue! Black is the new blue.

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He has the butt for baseball so let’s see where this takes us! Here he is actually doing what he is supposed to be and is ready for a ground ball.



He was given #4 as his jersey number.


Gavin is all ready to jump the fence and be on the field.


Is Bradley checking to see if his nails are dry or when the kid is going to hit the ball?

Sheesh! It is hilarious what I catch through my camera lens not even trying.

He is standing next to his friend Alex and they seem to be in a sharing mood of the base.

This was last Monday and he was supposed to have a game last Wednesday and this Monday but they both were rained out.

We are headed out tonight for what will now be his FIRST game and praying for NO RAIN!