LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Twas the day & night before Christmas!

Monday morning we woke up and drove to Charlotte to see Nathan, Joanie and Jackson.  Mom was visiting and we all needed to exchange gifts with them so we all hopped in the car and drove 4 hours that day.  Well, Brad did anyways.

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Joanie was expecting me and had my candy cane crown waiting!


The boys opened their gifts before Jacksons friends got there for the cookie party.  I did not know I was getting myself into that!


My nephew all grown up.



After that we put on Polar Express in the background.  I certainly wasn’t watching it. I was too busy with my marching orders in the kitchen.  I rolled dough, cut out shapes, set up the table with supplies, helped kids ice and labeled and bagged there cookies for them.  I guess she knew what she was doing when she gave me that headband ;) I was exhausted and concluded I would not be having any cookie parties at my house with three boys. She is brave.

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The boys loved decorating actually and we put these cookies out for Santa instead of my 5 day old ones.  I can see how that was more exciting for them.  I did all that baking for neighbors and forgot to keep a good assortment for us or Santa.


Last year we started two Christmas Eve traditions that we kept this year.  We let the boys each open one gift from Mommy and Daddy and we went outside and threw reindeer food and shimmers on the lawn.  That happened too quick that I forgot a photo.  Now that Easton is older I will have to make a bigger batch of food. 


Gavin got a little toddler transformer.  Not the real deal.  Those things are annoying to transform (off topic).  Easton got a little helicopter so he wouldn't be missing out anymore from the ones Bradley and Gavin got from Pop and Bradley got Twister?! Oh yeah!


So, we played Twister! This was fun but I don’t know if it will make the Christmas Eve traditions list. Definitely when the boys are better at keeping up with where they should be on the mat.


We had a box on the doorstep from Great Granddad so I let them open that.  I knew there would be lots of candy in it and I didn't want them to open it and eat it Christmas morning.  He loves to give the boys goodies for any holiday.  Here is Gavin enjoying that one piece of candy before bed.


Easton did too.  Don't touch the couch!!


We watched Twas the Night Before Christmas on YouTube since I do not have the book.   Here Gavin just slid in and kissed me! He is such a sweet boy.  He has been pegged as the lady charmer.



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Then we set out cookies and milk for Santa and they wanted a glass too! We also watched the Santa Tracker online by the Norad satellite.  The boys loved that very much.  It helped them to understand they needed to fall asleep quickly. 

Twas the Night Before Christmas and all through the house

Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse…..

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads….

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Twas all the stuff before Christmas Eve

Before I get to actual Christmas day post, here is a little of what we did before.


Mimi and Dunka got the boys this trampoline for Christmas and Daddy was finally home to put it together.  The boys love it of course! It is smaller version than your typical which is what I wanted for our yard.  We do not have a lot of flat area so this works great.  We decided to put it on the porch to be white trash! No really, we put it on the porch for now since in the winter we do not entertain on the porch.  It has also been perfect for rainy days because they can still jump.  Thank you SO much Mimi and Dunka.


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After coming home from Maryland I got myself in gear and baked.  Along with finishing shopping and wrapping. I had to wait for Brad to be home to watch the boys to just get it all done.


Andrew Doodle enjoyed our cookies and he did his own pre Christmas planning.



Coloring Snowmen session.  This is what happens when your children get completely bored out of there mind. They color together.


Sunday we headed out to church for the Christmas service.  The music was beautiful but it always saddens me when I am at the Christmas church service and am pretending it is a Christmas concert or the Nutcracker play.  Things I would love to start doing again for the holidays. Here is Easton in his church attire.  Brad told me “he was crying on the inside” when he looked at his clothes.  That's it.  Next year Brad is definitely getting an ugly Christmas sweater.


Gavin serenaded us to and from Church.  Gavin I would like for you to always know that Mommy thinks you are excellent.  I told Daddy that when you hit the right notes together I feel like I could be in a black and white movie in Paris.  Not too shabby for just starting.


We came home to snap some pictures since this would be the only time the boys would be in decent clothes.  You can tell I am a mom of three boys.  I jump at pictures any time the boys are dressed nice.











Later that night we stopped by Mike and Liz’s house to exchange gifts.  What is up with that?  No pictures from the two that take so many pictures.  From there we headed to the Zach, Megan and Wyatts house for a team Christmas gathering or whatever you would call it.  They just got back from Costa Rica and were trying to get in the fa la la la spirit.  The boys were crazy with there favorite Becky “Ducky”!



Twas the night before the night before Christmas.  The boys loved this that Andrew did.  I think it was there favorite so far.

More of Maryland


The next day on Monday we went to visit Grandpop and Grandma Kris.  The girls, Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jen came over for a pizza dinner. It was nice to have the kids playing together for so long.


On Tuesday morning we woke up and acted like it was Christmas. The boys got helicopters, sports balls and each a skateboard.


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After that we went to take the boys to Chuck E Cheeses.  In all my determination to do something holiday or winter related it was a bust.  All the ice rinks were not open for public skate and all the Zoo or National Harbor things were best at night and by night time I was completely exhausted with these kids. 


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My friend Kelley met me there and I got to meet her new baby boy Alejandro. Her daughter Selena above is the sweetest little girl.


I did not pick up my camera for a lot of other things on the trip.  We also saw Aunt Devon and the kids one more time at Chic-fil-a and on Tuesday night we went to Mr. Lee’s house, Kelley’s Dad.  He was like a second father to me growing up.  He had millions of Christmas lights up.  Him and his wife take two whole weeks off of work and seriously deck there house out.  I should of taken a picture of that because it is something the boys will probably never forget.  We saw my friend Shannon and her daughter Ava and we saw our friends Nikki and Jose along with their children.  I did a lot in my 3 day trip but am very thankful I did.  I saw a lot of people I had been meaning to see and just spent the holidays being with family like it is supposed to be. 


The boys tuckered out with their new toys that night. 


The next day Daddy came home from his trips to Florida and Virginia Beach.  Just in time for Christmas!
