LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Mothers Mornings Out & More

This week for Vacation Bible School mornings, Liz and I have swapped days to watch each others babies so we can have a free morning or two!  This morning I watched Chase.  I had Gavin, Chase and Easton sleeping at the same time at one point.  Just call me the baby whisperer.  Before nap time Chase had fun trucking around. 

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Then at noon we had a little kitchen picnic, he and I.  I set him down to pour his milk and he just looked so happy that I sat with him and we shared turkey, cheese, crackers and peaches.  Very balanced meal. 


Since Chase was in Easton’s crib he fell asleep here.  This is not uncommon for him to still fall asleep anywhere.  So easy going and an angel we think!


Yesterday, Liz watched Gavin and Easton for me at her house.  I got my nails done and did a little shopping.  It was great!  Chase is not used to having someone younger around the house like Gavin is used to.  He was so sweet to him. 

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Gavin did what he normally does, gets into things and is a random mess.  That’s Gavin!

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According to Gavin here the conversation must have gotten dull.  His slouchy expressions says it all.  Must have been a tough morning.  Give me a break kid!


Here is some more of what we have been up to so far this week. 

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On Monday night I shucked some corn for dinner that I had bought at a farmers stand and I found a little green caterpillar in the corn.  It became Bradley’s pet for a day.  We made him feel right at home with a corn on the cob dish and water and a peach.  A pine needle to crawl on too!


Bradley had to keep moving him back onto the dish because he would crawl away.  So, somewhere on my back porch I will find this little guy dead or alive.  The things I do for my boys. 


Bradley asked me to lay down with him for a little rest….


It was a little rest because Gavin came along….

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My little peach….


Eating his first entire apple not cut up. He gobbled it all up and wanted to take it to bed with him to finish.  He got mad when I took it away.  Must have been a yummy apple with no worm in it! One critter in my food is about all I can handle in a week (or longer preferably)!

022We are off to the Lake House on Friday with Billy, Devon and the kids to have some fun.  Catch you bloggers on the flip side!  Peace, Love and Sunshine!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Lions, Tigers and ….

Zebra butts, OH MY!


This was our Saturday at the Zoo.  We went with the Salvog family :) Liz and I were supermoms with all five of those kids together and we made up for probably ALL the walks we haven’t been doing lately.  There was definitely some resistance training going on.


This was my stroller.


Liz’s stroller.  Then sometimes I even had to wear Easton and push the stroller up hills (both ways)! Ha! Bradley and Sophia did really great walking considering the Asheboro Zoo is one of the biggest and has lots of walking in between exhibits. 


Bradley wanted to see the Elephants first and kept asking.  We had to wait until the middle but this big guy came to say Hi when we got there. 


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Then we checked out some Gorilla’s.  Bradley kept on asking “why do all the animals sleep all the time?”  Gavin was such a trooper in the stroller all day. 


We saw some bears.


Some Bison.  Which are very ugly creatures really.


The kids had fun at the bee hive exhibit. 

004  This animal was not on the list.  Oh, wait, it’s Bradley!

009 010   Getting wet from a geyser. 


Me and three of my main men!


This is how we all felt at the end of the day but it was so worth it being able to see Bradley enjoy himself.  When we got home Bradley said “I wish I could go to the zoo and stay there everyday!”

Well Bradley, sometimes I wish you could too! ;)  Maybe mommy can arrange that with the monkeys!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fun for Friday

Just wanted to share some cute things from the past week.  I didn’t take any pictures today so it is a perfect time to update. 


After the park they enjoy their treats daddy got them.  Gavin has recently claimed a spot on the bench and is pitching fits to be strapped into his high chair seat.  He is happy about this but mommy is not!

007Sharing a moment with Daddy.  He was showing off for Daddy that he could sit still and eat like a big boy. 


Another “Daddy Moment,” I love these captured moments for Brad but I wish someone would pick up the camera to capture me with the boys like this.  It happens all the time, just rarely caught on film!


Bradley at church, waiting and getting some Panda vibes to perform his God songs from VBS.

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He did great.  Gotta love there enthusiasm for God and their big smiles are irresistible. 


This was the same day as the 20/6 month photo op and I wanted to get one of all three of them since I only have like two reasonable ones.  Each doing different things so it was not successful as the “perfect” picture goes but I just love seeing my three redheads together. 

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Once home after the photo shoot, they were both thirsty.  Actually Bradley drank both of them and just shared his leftovers.  The leftovers is becoming the norm with handing things down to both boys.  001


My Juicy Juice boys.  100% all juice, 100% all boy. 


Gavin has been taking his porta crib apart every morning or after every nap.  Do you think he is trying to tell us he doesn’t like it?  He pulls the sheets of and tries to disassemble the thing while still in it! Our wild child!

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Rocking his “Mommy makes me :)” shirt.  Don’t smile though. 


Ah ha, there it is!


Then to let off some steam for Daddy doing school work all the time, Bradley and Daddy had a water balloon fight.  Mommy’s wonderful idea I may add.  Bradley LOVES it and today we even had a sneak attack on Daddy.  We got him good!


Daddy got Bradley the first one. 

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Then Bradley returns the favor.


What water balloon fight would be complete without torturing your little brother?  At first Gavin seemed interested.


Then he saw the look in Bradley’s eyes and RAN for it. 


It broke on the deck and splashed on him a little but this face says it all.  Not happy!


We had to inform Bradley he had a little too much fun and some was left over in his hair!

Today, Bradley and I had a little date, just us, at the park and then had cupcakes together and did a little shopping.   Hope everyone else had some Friday Fun!