LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Climbing, Wrestling, Cleaning and Playing



I need to get more pictures for this category because there is a new obstacle conquered everyday.  Here he is taking the cushions off and standing on the couch.  Yesterday I caught him climbing on the big table chairs (so far we were just used to kid chairs) and then from that he was standing on the kitchen table!





They were wrestling with Daddy the other night and then he threw Gavin on Bradley.  The giggles are endless here!



Well, that is what the vacuum was intended for! Instead, Bradley turned it into a blow dryer attack machine to get Gavin.  Luckily, Gavin is a good sport and they both had fun. 





Yesterday after church Bradley had a play date with Jordan.  It was rainy and cold out so they just ran and played inside and I made them separate bowls of popcorn, Swedish fish, goldfish and raisins.  They decided to make Trail Mix out of it and mix it with screwdrivers! So silly and cute!





This is all the pictures I have taken over the whole week.  Other than this it has been pretty uneventful around here.  Bradley has Spring Break this week for preschool so We are going to have to get creative since the weather turned cold and rainy again which limits outdoor stuff.

While I am thinking of it and don’t want to forget these.  here are some BQOTD’s.

Bradley- “Daddy, do you know what makes you so special?”

Brad- “No, what buddy?”

Bradley- “You gave me my shorts I wanted to wear and if I asked mommy she  would have made me find them!”

Me (overhearing this) - “Gee, thanks!”


Bradley- “Mommy you are the best mommy in the whole wide world so when we get home you deserve a chocolate donut!” 

Me- “Oh, thanks bud, that’s so sweet!”

Bradley - “And maybe I can have one too since I said that to you!”

LOL!! I was thinking what a little skeezer manipulator!


“Mom, I can’t clean my room because my arm is going to fall off! Oh, chicken!”

Monday, March 21, 2011

17 month old Gavin

Today is Gavin’s 17 month old mark. He is such a joy and I know part of it can be attributed to this fun toddler age but I hope his fun loving happy spirit resides in him always. I have said it before and I will say it again, he is such a little Lover. He comes up to all of us and hugs us or scoots his butt up to us to sit down and be held. The feisty side is definitely there but we see more of a lover than a fighter.


Some new things since last month or just things I leave out because he does so much it is hard to keep up!


~ He throws his food from the high chair and cup and when we tell him NO sternly, he gets his feelings hurt, makes a square lip pouty face and rests his head on his chair. Then he just throws stuff again!


~ New words are….dinosaur, circle and he said a sentence, “What does that do?” which is a bigger variation of his “whaaddds daaattt?” from last month. I was worried his speech was behind but I am over worrying and know he has proven over and over again to be our very well adjusted child.


~ He climbs on too many tables to count and really scares me. His arm is stretching more and more everyday on what he can reach. We equate everything in the house into “Gavin's reachable distance” but even if it is out of his reach like Bradley sippy cup one day, he just took a plastic baseball bat and swung and hit it off the table. Nothing will stand in his way. He also loves to dance and has started a new side step thing that is hilarious.


~ He adores his brothers. He follows Bradley everywhere and gives Easton a head hug everyday.


~ He loves to be outside. When it is time to come in he will throw a mini meltdown for 1.5 minutes and then once he is distracted he is over it. Since he has such a love for the outdoors he can of course say "outside" and asks to go out if we are not already.


~ Oh and the distraction that always settles him is a sippy cup of milk. He loves his milk.

There he is! Our handsome 17 month old. Until next month........

Saturday, March 19, 2011

3 months old

Three days ago on March 16th, Easton turned 3 months old.  Since last month nothing too much has changed.  Except I am sure he has gotten bigger.  At his two month check up he was almost 14 pounds and so I put him in size 3 diapers recently because they start at 16 pounds.  I figure he has got to be 15 pounds.  He doesn’t have a check up appointment so I guess we will have to wait until 4 months to find out how much fat he has put on.  He is also wearing 6 month clothes or 3-6 months but nothing that just says 3 months. 

He has been noticing his hands more and more now by holding them up in front of his eyes and watching them as they move. That is a difference from last month where he just sucked on his hands. 

He has us very accustomed to seeing his gummy smile so we ask for it often since it is so sweet to see! Some faces he makes remind me of Bradley and sometimes he reminds me of Gavin too. 

He loves for us to hold him facing out so he can see all the action and we can tell that he notices things farther away now and even responds to his name for picture taking if his head is down, he will put it up and look. 

He coos and makes our heart melt with all the cute noises.  He still spits up so the burp rag is our friend here and he still loves to snuggle on mommy when going to sleep at night. 

I guess that is about it.  Here is the man of the day with his blue eyes, red hair and polka dot tie….


The smile that we love!

012  Chunky thigh rolls.



Check out my double chin!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Glamorous Life!

Lets see, so much has happened where do I begin?  I will start with Sunday, my Dad came to visit for a few days and right when he got here we went to the park to meet some friends which was already planned. 


Playing soccer with one of his girlfriends, Jordan.


GrandPop and Gavin at the water fountain.


GrandPop brought a gift over for Bradley’s Birthday from Aunt Joanie, Uncle Bubba and Jackson.  Some Sherriff get up stuff! Gavin liked it just as much as Bradley!  Thank You!



What’s a Sherriff outfit without handcuffs to lock away the bad guys! I don’t know what he was thinking but this picture is hilarious.




Now onto Monday morning when all three of them woke up while the sun was still not up and Bradley woke with a fever and saying his ear hurt and Gavin woke up with a stomach bug! So, I kept Bradley home from school. 



GrandPop with the sicklings and Easton. 


Here are the boys making the best of being sick.  Gavin says “Pow-Pow” now which was taught to him by his big brother of course. 




All day Monday consisted of outfit changes, Tylenol and baths.  Thankfully Easton is staying healthy.  On Tuesday, they woke up seemingly fine and my Dad went home.  We went on a fieldtrip to the local fire department with friends (pictures later) that morning and had lots of fun.  I will admit I woke up feeling funny but had no clue what was about to hit me!! Lets just say my Dad got lucky and escaped in time. That afternoon I got the stomach virus along with Gavin and it hit me FAST and HARD. Meanwhile Gavin still had diarrhea and Bradley is still complaining of an ear ache.  I called my mom and Brad in a panic (Brad is still out of town and will be home tomorrow).  My mom started driving here from Maryland and Brad called his Doctor friend.  So thankful we have family and friends lovingly willing to help.  We got a house visit from the Doctor at 8 at night who gave me nausea medicine and Imodium and called in an antibiotic prescription for Bradley’s double ear infection!! 


Meanwhile, this little man is happy as a clam!




Wednesday morning I rushed to get Bradley’s prescription filled.  he took the first dose but for some reason it hit him the worst this day.  he slept all day and all night and ran a fever all day.  Then, now that Gavin and I are getting better, Bradley started having to run to the bathroom.  He said “Mommy, I hear bumbling noises in my belly.” and “When am I going to feel better?” He also said “Why did God get me sick?” That was a good question for me to explain to him that God is our Healer not the one who makes us sick.  He assumed that because he knows God created everything. 

So, here we are at Thursday and we are all getting better and I pray Bradley will get better really soon! This has been going on for 4 days and he has missed a lot of school.

This is at times the Glamorous life of a Mommy and even when you are a Grammy like my mom, it seems the Glamorous life continues…..

Saturday, March 12, 2011

For the Love of Family, a Trooper and Pirates

This past week we had Mimi, Nana and her husband (Uncle John as we call him) visiting.  The boys were totally spoiled with chocolate milk, Swedish fish, playing nonstop and constant attention.  Brad and I were also spoiled with two days of dates and I never had to cook or clean either!  We got to go out for 5 hours each day! I can’t stay away too long for Easton is still partially dependent on me for his food. 

On Friday we all went together to see Brad’s cousin Johnny graduate from North Carolina State Trooper, Highway Patrol School.  After the graduation I dropped Brad off at the airport to fly to California.  He will be gone for 9 days! I am counting them down.  I will miss my honey and also his extra set of hands needed for these three boys.  He will be helping his Dad pack up their stuff in the moving truck and driving 4 days cross country to Virginia and then helping him move into their new home.  I know he will give me a break when he gets back.  I am glad he gets this time away from being thrown into the stay at home dad thing and being able to spend quality time with his dad. 

Today, we ventured over to the Salvog home for Chase and Sophia’s birthday party.  It was the cutest Pirate and Fairy theme.  We wore our pirate gear including me except for my pink flowered shoes and sparkles like a fairy.  I was dressed for both sides! The kids had so much fun and I did too! I love any time I get to spend with that family.  Happy Birthday Chase!



Nana with her great grandchildren and Gavin loving on her. 



Toddlers and mouths! Fascinates them.  Everything goes in the mouth. 


Four generations of family. 


What Nana’s do best!


After all that rocking she put herself to sleep too.


Such a Daddy’s boy!



Gavin is such a lover when he is not being a terror. 


Wiping his face.


His “head hugs.”  These are so sweet! He does this to all of us as you can see that he doesn’t always hug with his arms too. 



What is going on with all these head hugs mom? 


I got a new game for Bradley.  Zingo (Bingo with a twist)!! I highly recommend it for 4 year olds and older! We had so much fun. 


Brad and I about to go on one of our two dates.  We ate way too much food and saw the inside of the movie theater too much for one week but they were practically forcing us out of our own house.  We needed it.  With three kids I have found we need breaks more frequently and for longer periods of time for it to soak in.  Oh, we saw Just Go With It and The Adjustment Bureau and we liked them both. 


At Johnny’s Trooper graduation with his daughter Kylie. 



Easton snoozing during the two hour ceremony.

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Johnny swearing in! We are all so proud of him and his new career adventure.


I didn’t bring my camera to the party today so here is us back at home after.  This must be mommy’s boy since he announced his favorite chocolate was Reese’s and ate all of them in a single sitting.  Now where have I seen that happen before? ha!



Gavin in his Pirate shirt.



Easton had Pirate shoes and not a shirt. 


Ahoy Matey!!