LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Gavin's Newborn Pics

Yesterday Gavin had his first photoshoot. Here are just a few that Michelle sent me to preview. Gavin was supposed to be sleeping for the whole thing but like one of the meanings of his name...he was alert! Im typing with one hand now feeding him so I am going to keep this short. Happy Halloween! Be safe everyone.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Growing Gavin

Tiny Wrinkly Feet
Bradley helping

Peek- A - Boo Baby Brother

Today was gavins first doctors appointment since being out of the hospital. He checked out perfectly! He is already growing weighing in at 9 lbs 1oz. from his 8-12 at birth! Go Gavin! We are just having so much fun getting aquainted with our new little boy. bradley loves him and says "hes cute" all the time. When he moves his arms around Bradley says "hes hitting again mommy!" or he uses punching. Bradley is my official "pacifier sticker inner" when Gavin is crying from a sponge bath or diaper change. he just doesnt like to be cold or unbundled! I am doing good...sometimes I try to do too much and then I get hit with an overwhelming feeling of being tired but its all OK. Brad has been an amazing help and we have friends who are bringing us meals this week and next. It has been a major blessing to not have to plan, make and clean up meals. Everything is so appreciated! Here are some pictures of Gavins first week, tomorrow he is 1 week old! Ps- As Im sitting here Bradley just said "I love him daddy!" How precious to have such wonderful boys! I am one truly blessed mom!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Gavin and Bradley

A new buddy ! Let me Poke him!
So Proud!
"What do we do with him?"
Tickling his Toes
Giggles for Gavin

We made it home from the hospital Thursday evening! Bradley couldnt visit Gavin in the hospital to meet him so Brad and Bradley picked us up curbside! When Bradley saw him when we opened the car door to put him in his seat he said "Baby brother! Hes cute!" Then randomly he said he was "smart" too and as he noticed he was sleeping as we pulled away Bradley decided to whisper without us asking him too, he said "hey, hey, daddy....we have to be quiet because baby brothers sleeping!" Isnt he so thoughtful! Im wondering where that moment went now since weve been home, haha! Hes been a little rambunxious and we are trying to teach him all about having a baby in the house! I know its because he is overly excited. He giggles alot when he looks at him and thinks he is just so fascinating! Here are a few pics of them meeting up close for the first time :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Baby Gavin

I went over to see Brad and Emily tonight and everyone is doing great. Gavin was sleeping for a while but then perked right up. He was smiling and making all kinds of sweet faces. They should be able to be home tomorrow night and I sure Emily will have more to say. I do have some pictures for you.

Gavin Thomas Woodward

They are so happy to have their new baby boy.

Daddy's second #1 son!!

Gavin Is Here

Gavin Thomas Woodward was born today at 2:32 pm. He is 8 lbs 12 oz. Big Boy!! Brad said that Emily and the baby are doing great. I am sure they are tired, she is feeding him now. Brad said it looks like another red headed baby!! So cute. I am going to try to go by there tonight but the hospital has a lot of restrictions about visitors because of the swine flu. I will see what I can do, but if not I will get some tomorrow when they come home.

Bradley is doing great, Mike just got home and we are going to take them to the park.

Congrats and we are so happy for you guys!!

A Baby in Just A Few!

Brad just called (11 am) and said Emily is about 9 1/2 cm along now. Emily is doing great, she is feeling okay. She is doing it all natural again, tough girl! Brad said that we should have a baby in about 30 to 45 minutes.

Bradley is doing great here. He is playing and eating snacks as we speak. He keeps asking for baby brother so he is just as anxious as the rest of us. Because of the restrictions at the hospital, Bradley won't be able to see him until they get home. He will be camped out at our house for a few days.

I will update as soon as I hear something. Any time now!!

Almost there!! **Updated**

If you can believe it, it's 8:00 am and Gavin is almost here. Emily is now 7 cm dilated and progressing great. Her water broke in the middle of the night which is why she is so far along. Check back soon, Gavin is coming!!

*Updated at 9:38- Emily is now at 8 centimeters. Moving along...

Here we Go!!

Alright everyone, this is, Liz, your guest blogger for the next few days. It is soon-to-be the moment we have all been waiting for. I got a call from Brad about 5:45 this morning saying that Emily has had contractions all night long and they were getting to be about 2 minutes apart. They are on their way over here to drop off Bradley and head over to the hospital. The hospital is only about a 1/4 mile away from where we live so they should get there in no time!

I will keep you all as well informed as I can. It depends on how well Brad can text ;) Check back for updates and hopefully some pictures soon!! Can't wait to meet little Gavin Thomas !

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Patch and Progress

Hi everyone...still here with no Gavin born yet! Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch with Bradley. My mops group and brads unit has a family day planned there on Saturday but since that is a day before my due date we decided not to take our chances. We didnt want to go after and all the pumpkins be picked over either. So, we went during naptime after Bradley was out of preschool this morning and he was the only kid there! He had the whole place to himself. The corn maze was closed unfortunately though. It was still perfect.....Brad and Bradley had a blast finding the "perfect" pumpkin and Bradley even picked a little one out for Gavin. Its smaller than his, of course, I see how things will be going already ;). I have been trying to upload pics from yesterday but dont know whats going on. I click on the picture I want and it uploads a different one, so I will try again later, sorry. It is cold and rainy here today so we have just been hanging out around the house. I just got back from my doctors apnt and I am only 1 centimeter dilated and 70% effaced....for those of you who knows what that means! So, Im trying not to get my hopes up for any fast miracle and I am anticipating next week. All in perfect timing though! Brad and I are being so non chalant about this its actually kinda scary. Still dont completely have my bags packed...I am hoping and praying I have time at home to labor first and I will have moments of clear headedness so i can do last minute things like that. Im also still waiting for my "nesting." My house certainly could use that phase! Oh and when i do go into labor and off to the hospital, Liz is going to blog for me to keep you all posted. Im sure she will show up at the hospital with her camera too and post the pics before I even do...thats Liz!

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hanging In and Hanging Out

Making Sure Its Comfy.....

If I dont break it first, baby brother can use it....

The Big Brother Bradley

38 weeks!

Helping daddy with the "vroom vroom"

In Daddy's Hat

Tying Daddy's shoe for him

Got in the same exact stance as daddy to fix the window (I broke alot while Brad was gone, haha) the classic saying lately has been "Emily, your still hanging in there!" when all my friends see me out and about, running errands, whatever. My response to them is and "Im hanging out" b/c my belly seems so big to me. Today Brad and I heard random music in the kitchen and realized my belly pushed Bradleys leapfrog alphabet toy on the fridge when I was trying to get ice. We just looked at each other and laughed. If that gives you any insight into how I am "hanging out" these days! We are still anxiously anticipating the birth of our second son. I would tell you the name but we havent locked in the spelling officially yet. Of course, brad and I would be still waivering on this ;) I am 38 weeks and I have an appnt tomorrow for another sonogram to check my fluids and to see if anything is happening. I do feel small contractions like my body is starting the process. I think I am looking for them more this time since with Bradley they hooked me up to the moniter and I was having contractions and had NO clue. Here are some random pics of us and some of us getting ready for baby brother! Bradley was so proud of himself that he helped put together his brothers car seat and swing! He also helped his daddy relay the entire attick floor for more storage space up there. Hes such a big helper. It did make me nervous him being up there but you cant stop him from hanging out with his daddy that he adores. I hope he wont have trouble sharing daddy with his brother since he is so close to him. Bye until the next post...I am headed to bed for the night!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

BBQ and 38 weeks!

Last night we had our friends Liz, Mike and Sophia over for a barbecue (this post probably will look exactly the same as Liz's for those who are friends of both of us) It was great for brad and Mike to catch up. Even though they rarely see each other they really are friends! The military life can do that. Here are some pics of are night but mostly I wanted to share the belly pictures b/c my last post didnt have any of my belly. I told Liz it was cruel punishment standing next to her. I did that to my sister -n- law with this pregnancy and her last one since I was the smaller of the two. I guess it was my payback. Im the big one...Brad laughs at my belly because it pokes him all the time. I also love the one pic that Liz took of bradley...I put it as my screensaver with his big blue eyes and cute cheeks! Oh and Bradley got a big boy bed a few days after Brad got home so here he is snuggled up with Sophia in it. We told them they couldnt do this unsupervised...haha! Bradley loves it and is doing perfect in it. Alright well thats it until next time :)