LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Gavin’s 3rd Birthday

Brad and I got home Sunday about 3 in the afternoon.  Gavin was napping so we had time to put his bike together and get ready for his “Party!” One day he said to me “It’s not fair mommy, I never have a party..hmmm!” We had been talking his Birthday up for the whole month and he is super excited but let’s face it, he is just turning 3.  He thought that he already had his Birthday and he didn’t get a party.  Luckily for him we just said it was a PARTY and he was great! Even a low key park party didn’t seem relevant this year.  Next year we will make it bigger!


We ended up waking him up at 4 o’clock! This kid can nap good and hard.  So, he was a grouch since we woke him up.  We thought the excitement would overtake being woken up but he must have been really tired that day. Opening presents was a little lack luster because of this.


I got him a few new outfits thinking he would care so thank goodness I had this gummy crocodile I picked up in Wilmington because it was the best thing ever!


Then we surprised him with a bike of his very own! He as been riding one of Bradley’s old tricycles and has been asking for a bike for months now.


Taking off! We are super excited about all our park ventures with the bikes.


I had to show this picture.  Brad is looking to do minor adjustments on the seat and Easton has missed him so much this weekend that he did not leave his side or let go of his finger.  The one sock on, one off is funny too but not having pants on…well, that’s just normal around here!


Daddy’s little mini me.


Gavin (still being in a cranky mood) wanted to sit on my lap and that is the only reason Easton left Brad’s side to sit with me.  These boys are so territorial for our time.  You would have thought it was a month…it was 3 days kids! Only one day where we didn't see you.


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Bradley and Easton both wanted turns of course!


Happy Birthday Gavin! Mimi and Nana were so sweet to hang the sign and decorate for me before we got home. Brad’s 30 banner converted very well into a 3!


My silly sweet family!



Another funny picture Mimi took.  I was fixing Brad’s hair after he said “you all didn't tell me my hair was messed up” He was really joking and not that vein but I fixed it anyways just in time for us to not take any more pictures! Ha-ha! Anyways, while were doing that Bradley is being goofy and Easton is holding that finger again while Gavin is crawling through Brad’s legs!


With Mom and Nana! I got Nana a thank you gift that was a for looks dish towel that said along the lines of “The south….where chicken is always fried, tea is always sweet…. where everybody’s name is Darlin’ and somebody’s heart is always be blessed!” This is totally Nana! She says “Oh bless your heart Darlin” all the time in her sweet southern voice. She was also caught sweeping my carpets! Only Nana! Mom and I were cracking up one night when we were talking about customer service people on the phone and Nana said “Oh I know what ye mean, I about lost my religion at the Dell guy on the phone!”



We were laughing and these just became goofy because Nana does not know how to take pictures ( Bless her Heart)!




Well, if he can do it that I can too since it is my cake (according to Gavin).


On to the singing!



Our little 3 year old with a big heart! We love you Gavin Wavin Chunky Boy!


Rainbow cake inside. It’s so good that you can forego the utensils!


Personal cookie baked by Mimi for the Birthday boy!


It was a great PARTY for one super special boy of ours!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

While we were away…dun dun dun!

Brad and I went to Wilmington last Friday for his big full distance triathlon. I will have to gather my pictures and post that later.  I forgot my nice camera so I only have I phone ones which aren't all that great.  Anyways, I text mom and told her to use my camera and put it to good use since I had forgotten it and I was sad about that.  Here are the pictures I found.  Mom and Nana both flew in on Thursday in prep for Friday.  We left Friday morning and came home Sunday afternoon. It was a blessing to us for them to watch the boys.  They aren’t easy and apparently mom realized afterwards that I am a SAINT! She made sure to tell Brad that…take note babe!

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They went to the parks a lot.  Mimi said she got the boys started on Starbucks hot chocolate.  Gavin wouldn’t put it down so his face and sweatshirt had the stains to prove it.


I loved just uploading these pictures to find these pictures that I did not take.  It gave me a little mirror ball into some of the things they did.  It also made me pick up on little things like how Nana threw on one of Brad’s Billabong sweatshirts and how Mimi doesn't have her lipstick on at the park.  Welcome to my world! Or shall I say, welcome back to your world from years ago.  The daily life of raising little ones.



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This picture cracked me up when I saw it.  Gavin is wearing a 24 month size t-shirt of Eastons!



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They ate out and Mimi got them there requested “french fries”! Easton says this all the time. That doesn't mean buy them all the time (wink)!

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They went shopping and were silly!

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They brought gifts and put them together!

They also bought each of them new movies.  Bradley chose Ninjago and Gavin shoe Looney Tunes Classics and I guess Easton for ET.  They said he learned how to say “E.T. phone home!” Only Easton and Gavin mess it up sometimes and say, “E.T. home phone!”  They also told ghost stories with flashlights and Mimi said their eyes got really big and it was something that Bradley enjoyed and was not bored at.  Apparently, E.T was boring.  Boring is a word I hear a lot from him these days so I guess we have hit that phase! The days of not knowing what boring is are over.

These are our sweet silly boys and their weekend with Nana and Mimi. A weekend for the history books.  Not just for how much fun they had but for how exhausted they all were too!

The boys love you both!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Weekend to Me!

On Friday the 12th I turned 28.  Here is a Birthday recap. On Thursday night my mom drove here from Virginia Beach.  Her new place of residence, to be with me on my Birthday. Brad had been working in Wilmington all week and was due home on my Birthday afternoon. My Birthday morning I woke up to perform my carpool responsibilities and get Bradley and Alex off to school. After that I went to the gym.  I figured I should burn some calories to even out all the ones I would be taking in as I treat myself. After that Liz and her mom and Chase came over.  We left the Grammy’s to watch the three boys while Liz and I went to get Starbucks and pedicures! It was fantabulous! She knows what her friend wants and appreciates. Thanks Liz! We came home to see that the Grammy’s had eventually had to stop gabbing and actually watch and feed their grandsons. We ate lunch together and they headed home. Shortly after Bradley was home from school and Brad was home from Wilmington.


We took some good old southern front porch pictures!

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Mom and the boys stayed home while Brad and I went out together alone for my Birthday dinner.  We couldn’t leave without making it official with 28 candles though. I have a really funny story about this.  My mom or Brad in all their “business?” did not get or buy me a cake.  My mom intended to but time snuck up on her and she had not run to the store yet. So, since I was famished for dinner, rather than have her run out and buy a cake , I pulled out a box of Brownie mix and my mom baked it.  We were in a hurry and thought it had cooled enough so we put the candles in and then Brad started to light the candles and we realized the candles were completely falling over because the bottom of the candles were melting in the brownies.  So…I made a wish and blew out the candles but the boys did not have brownies afterwards! My mom made them cookies instead because they had there hopes up for brownies. It was really a site to see trying to blow out candles melting from both ends.


My mom did not get a picture of me blowing my candles out.  There is always next year when I am even older I guess!

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Grammy & Easton moments.



Brad had to work on a Saturday…boo hoo! So, we went to Oktoberfest in our town. They loved the bounce houses!


I love his crazy hair!


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Bradley literally fell asleep while the guy was painting his face. What a tired tiger!

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German lady and fella.

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They were selling cold stone there but we opted to go get di’lishi instead.  It was my first time trying this very popular new place we have in town.  It was “di’lish” as Bradley said!


This was my mom and mine’s to split then Easton would scream when we tried to eat some.  After several spoons and attempts for him to share we ended up having to go get him his own. The days of my trying to slide by with sharing and rationing out portions are over.  This baby in the family is tired of getting sloppy seconds.  He wants his own of everything!! Of course we still  need to work on sharing with him but I do see how he would be like this.  The poor little guy gets everything taken from him and is left with nothing at all too often because they know they get away with it when I am not looking.

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See, he was moved to his own seat with his own cup! Happy now little Easty Bubbas?!

On Sunday we went to church and then my mom and I shopped for my Birthday.  My mom headed home and we got a sitter because Brad’s boss was in town for the course they were teaching locally.  He wanted to take us out to dinner. Bonefish and bang bang shrimp was the finale for my Birthday weekend! Somewhere in there I had Chinese take out too.  I pretty much ate and drank my way through me turning another year older.  Here’s to 28 and being Great!