LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Happy 7th Birthday Bradley!

On the 19th Bradley turned the big boy age of 7.  It was on a school day Wednesday so we kept it pretty simple and fun but just celebrated his amazing life thus far and all our sweet Bradley Bear is to us in this world. 



The table was decorated for him . 


It’s too early for pictures mom!! Breakfast before school.  Easton actually stole his birthday chair from him but Bradley did not mind.  He is so kind to his youngest brother. 



Daddy actually had an early work day that morning and late coming home so it was just the four of us.  He went to school and I brought him Cake Pops in the afternoon for his class. 

His teacher was so sweet and called him up and talked about how I must have felt when he was a born and I held him in my arms.  He was tickled but also embarrassed to have the spotlight on him since he is so modest and shy. She told the class he was good luck since he had red hair. 

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All the kids loved them and the boys were so excited to get to go into Bradley’s class and have Cake Pops.  Gavin says he wants to go to big kid school like Bradley. 


Later that day when he got home from school after homework, Liz and the kids popped on over with Sonic food and to celebrate with us.  Sonic hot dogs was this Birthday kids request. 



Next was singing, wishing and cupcake time.  I froze my batter and icing and made more of the same kind he had for his party. 



His face still melts my heart just like when he was a baby. 

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Ha-ha- he is trying to figure out the trick sparkler candles. 


Thanks for the great picture Bradley- how you looked and all or even wanted to take it!! Sheesh.  I love him but he is already getting to be a boy set in his own ways, he thinks he understands the world and will tell you all about it. He admits that he is “hard to handle” sometimes too.  But most of all he is a great hard working amazing boy.  We could not be more lucky, privileged or blessed to be called his parents. 




He got some cool new shirts from Sophia and family opened a gift from his brothers.  A Lego Movie book and movie.  Brad and I got him a Batman game for the PS3.  That was all Brad’s idea of course.  He is really into playing Batman in his downtime after school, sports, chores and homework with Brad. 

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Thank Heaven for our Bradley Bear who is SEVEN! 

Our prayer as he gets older is for him to continue to do good in school, make the right choices as he has been doing.  We pray he continues to love Jesus and want to seek him like he does now and that he will continue to grow in the giftedness that God gave him.  That he will know he is always loved by his Lord and his whole family.  We pray he will be humble and never prideful but assertive and strong and never too shy or meek.  He knows that God has created him to work and be strong and conquer, to never give up and to just love!

We love you Bradley and loved celebrating your special day with you as you turned seven!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bradley’s Party


On Saturday morning the snow was finally melting away into streaming little rivers so we packed up and went to Bradley’s scheduled Birthday party at the movie theatres.  We had it all set up to see THE LEGO MOVIE with him, his brothers and nine other friends.  All boys.  Yes, we are already at this phase I guess.  It snuck up on me so soon but just because he was told he had a limited amount of invites. 


Setting up with our friend Carter.




I did have to push the party back when I thought they may have a make up snow day Saturday morning and have to go to school.  Because of this preventative change I had the party room for an hour before the movie.  It was quick so we played this game, ate lunch, sang and then ate some cupcakes and ice cream and by that time we realized the movie theatre was filling up fast so we went and got the kids their popcorn trays and headed in to get our seats.  


Bradley and I made the ‘Where Are MY Pants Guy’ from the movie and did a pin the pants on game.  The boys loved it! I spinned them blindfolded seven times since that was the magic number.




They had a Lego Man to color at their place setting designated with their Lego favor bag that had their name on it. 

They got lots of cool goodies.  Stickers from the movie,gumballs, Lego candy, money for the arcade, sticky hands and the best of all.  A Lego key chain that Brad helped me make.  So grateful that he did that because I could not tie knots like him to make them look legit and kid approved.


We have them on the boys lunch boxes and Bradley’s book bag now. 



Bradley and his buddy Paxton.



This amazing boy of ours….seven!



Group shot.  His guests were Gino, Carter, Wyatt and Soren our longtime military friends and Patrick, Will, Tyler, Paxton and Lucas from his class.


Being shy that it is all about him at the moment.


This face tells us Thank You even though he said it.


The movie was AWESOME and SUPER.  A few key words from the movie.  The boys were glued and we only had one that wasn’t ours that needed to go to the bathroom for an hour and 45 minutes.  All twelve of them sat in a row with a Dad on each end and myself and my friend Rayma sat behind them.  We pulled it off and it was the busiest Saturday ever in that place being after everyone was cabin fevered into their homes. 


The kids used their quarters and played at the arcade while their parents came to pick them up.


Once we got home Bradley opened his gifts.

Easton using the present as a boat.  He is either in a boat or being an airplane these days!




He got so many great things.  He was so grateful and excited about each one.  The boys have since been loving the new Lego sets to add to their first set.  They just started Lego’s this Christmas from Grammy.  I had been holding them off because I heard how annoying the pieces were.  Yes, they are being found everywhere and annoying but the boys sit and use their imaginations to build.  Each of them.




The after party.  It was a successful 7th Birthday Party to celebrate our exceptional first son.  We love you Bradley Bear!  

LOVEly Snow- Round 2

The second round of a Winter Storm for us fell on the second week of February.  Guess what is special about that besides that silly love holiday.  Our actual Anniversary.  We celebrated our 9th one this year and still going strong! I will have to say that the days were so blurred.  I was trying to see if we would be able to make our anniversary plans and I had Bradley’s Birthday party plans on my mind for February 15th.  I wasn’t sure if that would be cancelled either.  So, I think the kids went to school all day Tuesday and they cancelled on Tuesday night for Wednesday school immediately because they were expecting the snow to hit fast in the morning.  That it did……Happy Snowy Anniversary to us!


Brad was home so I frantically booked the childcare at the gym at 10am for what they had opened.  As soon as we started walking in we brought the snow.  I ran and did my little ski machine that I feel is helping my legs and I immediately started to become frantic.  So funny how I lost my composure for a bit.  Brad wasn’t even looking out the window and he drove separate because he always works out longer (fine by me) and I am limited with the childcare of how long I stay.  I high tailed it out of there with the kids because it was starting to stick to the roads and I know I need new tires.  We ended up getting 8 or so inches and then a second round came with ice and packed it in. 

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I didn’t think it was as cold this time and Easton agreed.  He loved playing in it and didn’t cry.  Gavin still would rather be watching cartoons on the couch with the heater next to him while we are all outside. 


I had Bradley take a picture for us since I had to cancel our date.  They didn’t plow the roads until Thursday mid day so their was no way we were getting out or a babysitter was getting in.  Like the trend of the day, they didn’t really turn out either. 


Our Sweet little Loves….





When you can’t beat the snow…eat the snow! That’s what we say at least ;)



On Friday the boys got a little Valentine’s treat from me.  At that point things were starting to melt so we took the kids to Drop Zone and went to see The Lone Survivor for Valentine’s Day.  We kept it just at that and no dinner since I had lots to do for Bradley’s party the next day and the roads at night.  Oh and you did read that right.  Yes, I am super awesome to go see a guy movie instead of a sappy romance on Valentine’s Day.  I cried regardless and I liked seeing the movie in spite of all it’s sadness.  Oh and in between the two snow storms we had, I took a few pictures for the boys to send out cards to family.


Bradley- So not thrilled! Big kid problems happening.


Gavin is such the charmer….



Then there is Oh so smooth Bubbas.  Liz and I laughed because he took one picture and ran away but he perfected the first one.  How can you resist those cheeks just filled with air blowing some love.

We hope everyone we love were blessed with love too this Valentine’s Day.  We have yet to reschedule our promised babysitter for the boys and go out on our dinner date.  Not quite sure how life got so busy but we hope to get some bang bang shrimp soon.