LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Seriously, I don’t even know when this happened?!

Ok, I am so behind in updating and I don’t even know exactly when most of these pictures are from.  A few weeks ago I guess. Not to mention I have just been so busy lately.  I can’t keep track of the simplest things these days. It may not look like it from our pictures but there is a lot involved with getting the kids to and from school and all that needs to be done in between.


Bradley read his first book on his own! I am super proud of him and how enthusiastic he is about reading and learning to spell and write words on his own. They have been working since day three in school with the class. He gets a book home every night that he has to read and we sign off on it. I quickly caught on that someone (his teacher) had read the book to him before and after I volunteered put another piece of the puzzle together.  He practices reading the book in school.  The same book he brings home to read to us.  I could tell that he had it memorized, to the T.  This book Big and Little though was our book from home that he had never seen before picking it up to read it. I found it and decided to put his reading to the test. Well, Hooray Bradley Bear!  You definitely are so big, not little!


Easton ready to learn to read too!


We played a new game (to them) but a classic for us! Operation!



Got one! Gavin just can never sit still!

Last week was no different than any other time Daddy is home.  Snuggle time is always going on! I caught Daddy and Easty having a moment and sharing laughs together after dinner.




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Tisses! MUAH!

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And then when he got with Mommy all his excitement was gone.  He is such a little Da Da’s boy!


We went bowling one night.  I thought it was funny to see that Brad wrote “Dad” for himself!

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Easton standing up while strapped into his stroller.  You know his butt must have been getting numb.  He was sitting there for an hour like a little angel just sucking his thumb and watching.



All I can say is SOCKS! Gavin cracks me up!

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We did some cleaning.  It was quiet in the house one day with Easton sleeping and Bradley at school and on his own he decided to clean.  I walked out to find him like this.  “I cleaning mommy, with chemcals!” Really just a baby wipe.  He was pretending they were my Clorox wipes that he would love to get his hands on.


A MOPS pool party that as seen above just looked like a toddler fest!

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He had his first day of preschool last Thursday.


We tried a new hairdo for his first day.

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Cake POPS to celebrate doing so good.  No tears and no potty accidents!

On Saturday I got to have a day with some girlfriends at a local Vineyard.

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We got our faces painted!

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The girls and I danced! Megan and I even competed in a Wine Stomp but I haven’t gotten the pictures yet from Candace.  I actually tied another girl but wasn't there to claim my title/compete again so they gave her the medal! I was so bummed.  Ha-ha! I really worked it stomping those grapes into wine!


We had our usual Sunday at church and out to eat Mexican food as a family and then on Monday Brad went out of town again for work this week.  It has been a long week and I am glad he will be home late tonight :) Just in time for his Big 30th Birthday tomorrow!

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