LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Church Picnic and Baby Lincoln

I almost forgot one more thing for September that I found picture of.  Our church had its annual picnic at the park.  The kids had a blast and we really do know more people from church but we just always gravitate to our favorite people. 
Laura looking stunning and about to POP!
Bradley found his wrestling buddy Aiden. 
Ummmm, the boys beat some trees with sticks because that is so much fun! Who’s kids are those?
I got to show off how I am NOT pregnant! I am surrounded by lots of pregnant friends and I have been on many new baby hospital visits or meal deliveries.  I am loving it and still more to go. 
They played soccer….
Loved living on the edge with the hair color spray.
and just plain had lots of fun and running room! It was a great Sunday night and Daddy would have been there but he was busy doing cool medic stuff for work. 
Finally, Laura popped out this strong little bean a week later. Lincoln is so cute and reminded me of Gavin and Easton since he was a bigger baby like them. These times in our lives are so precious and almost magical so it makes you want to experience it all over again.  Unfortunately, reality hits and time does not stand still, in fact an 18 year clock starts again so this is why Brad and I do not plan on having any more kids.  That is our final answer unless God decides to drive us completely bat shit crazy and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t mind me saying that since he already knows I’m a little insane.  I will just go on holding my friends babies and being that lady!

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