LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My oh My – March is almost Over!

Since time is clearly flying and I would like to


spring as I recap some of what we have been up to! We have had a handful of amazing weather days and it really has us all so grateful! I hear the boys saying things like “this breeze is great and this sunshine” or “let’s take advantage of this awesome day and play outside!” It’s pretty cool to hear them be like this.  Until the bees come out I will enjoy it because then they will start freaking.  I hope not but that is the track record. 


The end of February we had the boys friend Wyatt over for a sleepover.  They all did great and stayed up until 11 in true sleepover style. 


Over a sprinkled breakfast the boys wanted to show Wyatt their favorite movie.  Dennis the Menace.  He thought it was cool too!


We also sent Uncle Adam off on deployment with some prayers and hugs.  Some tough guys are still taking names even though Daddy isn’t anymore. 



Gavin has been all about making forts for bedtime and naps.  He also puts it like a Teepee and drapes it.  As long as he has an air passage we are fine with it but I pondered to Brad if I will ever ever be able to walk into their room without it looking like a few Mexican families live their?  It is constantly covered with a million blankets, stuffed animals and toys.  Gavin’s mind just never rests and he always pulls things out to create. 



Bradley just sleeps through it all. 


One thing about Bubbas is he loves him some Spiderman flip flops.  This nice weather allows me to actually tell him he can.  Normally he is trying to sneak them on over socks in the dead of winter. 


They are sticks and rock finders.  Here the neighbor walked over with his dog Julius while Brad was out working on the cars. 

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The last weekend of February I got a mini mommy weekend.  I drove to Virginia Beach for two different reasons.  I was going to take my mom to an outpatient surgery and to catch the WAVE women’s conference called “Devoted.”  It was really beautiful and powerful and I got to hang out with my MIL and SIL too.



When I got home I became busy with the everyday stuff again but Brad and I managed to squeeze in an overdue date night.  This was the missing piece from our Anniversary date that was snowed out.  We had gone to the movies then but we went to dinner and did a little shopping.  We also had promised the boys we would get their beloved babysitter Jacey here.  They would love to have her here more often and wouldn’t mind kicking mommy and daddy out to see that happen. 




Bradley lost his other front tooth recently.  Now we tell him he looks like an old grandpa who forgot to put his teeth in. 



One rainy Friday the big kids had a day off school so while Chase & Gavin were in school I took Sophia and we had a morning of fun.  They were so excited to go to the library, really! I was surprised.

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This was on Saturday when Daddy and Bradley were at baseball practice.  It was so nice that after the gym I couldn’t say no to the park. 


Too cool for a shirt Gavin. 


The glasses Easton loves.  We were at a Monday night baseball practice for Bradley. 


Gavin’s preschool picture for the 3 year old class.  He is so handsome! He has struggled with colors this year but is doing a lot better.  I found it ironic since he loves to color the most out of all of them.  He could sit for hours and color.  I can tell that he would love to be able to read but he still has a lot more learning to do with his alphabet.  I am glad he still has one more year before Kindergarten.

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