LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Daddy’s Day

On Sunday the 17th we celebrated Father’s Day with Brad.  He was leaving that day to fly to Baton Rouge, Louisiana for a work trip but we celebrated in the morning the best we could in a short amount of time. 


Brad went for a bike ride after we made him his new favorite whole wheat blueberry banana pancakes.  Meanwhile the boys were playing on our bed with these alphabet mat pieces.  They were supposed to be cleaning them up. hmmmm. 

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Once Daddy got back from his bike ride Bradley couldn’t wait to give him his Father’s Day card.  I’m sure Brad would have preferred a shower first instead of dripping in sweat.


Bradley picked him out a Transformers card. Classic pictures of Gavin with no pants on and Easton sucking his thumb.  Not a day goes by in this house where you don’t see these two things.


Here he was laughing as he was telling him the “joke” he wrote on the bottom of the card, “You’re a Transformer Daddy!”


These boys love their Daddy! He is definitely a wonderful dad to them.  He loves them unconditionally and understands their boy “charm” so much more than I do.


Brad got ready for his trip and we got ready for church. Bradley was saying bye for the week and told him to “take your Transformers card so you can read it when you miss us!”


Love You Daddy, Love Bradley Bear!


Love You Da- Da! Love, Easty

Gavin was waiting in line in the background but I didn’t get a picture.  He’s so hyper and quick sometimes!

It was just the Father’s Day Brad likes minus having to leave him family. 

I love you Brad for the wonderful Father you our to our boys! I know you don’t take any of it for granted and you would do anything for them. Sadly that is not the case in all families so we know we are blessed with having you forever & always!

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