LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Trip to VA, MD and PA

On Thursday June 7th we took an impromptu trip to Arlington.  I was home for just four days and then traveling again.  It was supposed to just be Brad going but I am glad we turned it into a family trip.  We Arrived in Arlington and had my mom meet us and take the boys in our car back to her and GG’s house.  Brad and I then headed to Arlington National Cemetery for a Memorial Service for all those killed on the August 6, 2011 crash in Afghanistan.  It was a final burial of all these men, including Brads three teammates lost.

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Me and Tab and then Amanda and Tab, these two are in it together with their heartbreak.

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After the service Brad and I went and changed and had a little more time without the kids. We had to get back for my mom to go to work in the evening.


On Friday my mom and I got to go shopping and have lunch together while Brad watched the boys. Then Brad met back up with us and we headed to Billy and Devon’s house in Annapolis.  Devon and the girls were in Ocean City on their mommy/daughter time so we hung out with Billy and Holden and barbecued. 

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The kids just enjoyed good old fashioned back yard summer fun.

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Dunka arrived and all the boys ran to him.

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I attempted pictures.  What was I thinking?  Tough crowd.  Four boys and then three bigger boys talking who could have cared less about helping me with pictures.


Some sword stick fighting happened.

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They enjoyed the trampoline.

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Then we went for a walk down to the Severn river that is right across the street from them.  They have a little beach access point and it was so serene.


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The kids had fun until they got too wet and cold and of course leave it to Gavin to start kicking up water.

We stayed the night and then Saturday morning went back to my Grandmas house.  We helped my mom get the kids loaded into the car to take them to Aubrey’s Barbie Pool Birthday Party.

After that, Brad and I drove to York, PA.  This is where our friend Dan grew up.  The local town was so quaint.  It is amazing how things are so different past Baltimore.  It only took us an hour and a half to get there.  The Memorial event was a ride by the local bikers through the town.  They started at his high school and stopped at places along the way.  We got there as it was ending since we don’t have a bike to ride anyways.  We met up with all of them at the American Legion for a charity event to raise money for the ‘That Others May Live Foundation’ and the SOWF.  They raised about $4,000 and it was split between the two.

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After that we went to Dan’s parents house and partied by the bonfire. I had such a great time getting to know Dan’s parents better.  Seeing the couple that made him the special man he was.  Brad really was honored to be there too. This was his second trip there but he got to see the completed Pararescue ‘Angel of Mercy’ that holds the bonfire.  Dan’s parents had this memorial built in their backyard in remembrance of their son.

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We stayed the night in PA and after breakfast with the Zerbe family and our friends Zach & Megan we headed back to pick up the boys from Grammy and get back on the road to NC that Sunday.


We have family road trips down to a science now. We love to travel but with kids it is never easy even if you are good at it, so being home feels good!

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