LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Bunch of Bowling

This weekend was pretty unusual for us with back to back bowling birthday parties.  We haven’t taken Bradley bowling in almost 2 years so it is funny how we had a weekend full of it.  I just always forget about the option to bowl.  Now we know that Bradley loves it and really gets into it and Gavin thinks it is cool to roll the ball down the kid ramp they set up and cheer everyone on to knock down the pins.  First up was Jensen’s Birthday party on Saturday.  He is new to Bradley’s preschool this year and they have become good play mates in class and have been known to teach each other more crazy boy talk. 



Bradley with Maddie and Jensen. 



On Sunday was Carter’s Birthday.  Our great friends Brian and Becky’s son.  He turned 3! I remember him when he was born and we used to do date night swaps in Virginia Beach with Brian and Becky so we spent a lot of time with him.  Ahhh, the days of having 1 child when friends offered to watch your children! Thankfully, we still have a few friends willing to watch all three but as you can imagine the offers aren’t pouring in like when it was just Bradley. 







Gavin is getting very inquisitive and helpful I guess is one way to put it.  Or he is just a know it all.  He ran up to Brian giving him his shoes and notice his hands.  He is saying “Shoes, On?” for “Why aren’t your shoes on?”


The boys love “Ducky.” 


Gavin was doing good carrying the ball all the way to the lane.  Bowling is a pretty dangerous sport for toddlers though.  He did drop it a few times so thankfully he missed his toes. 

Also, I thought it was cute that the boys split a turn together and they got a spare with their teamwork.  Bradley also got his first STRIKE on Saturday.  So, go to the lanes, rent some shoes and Bowl On People!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Random & Rad

Random pictures that are all so rad is the story of my life with these boys.  Rad meaning so cool, great or awesome.  Just in case you don’t use words like that, sometimes I must explain myself. 


What’s laundry day in this house without turning the basket into something other than a basket?  The day they don’t do that is the day I know they are all grown up.  This time instead of a boat or racecar it was a simple seat cushioned with down pillows and complete with a Dr. Seuss pillow and blanket while watching Dino Dan or something!


Fell asleep for nap in the chair. 


Bradley still talks to him like, “Oh, Easty, I just love you so much, you are so cute and chunky and I could just kiss you all up!” It never gets old. 



He does get some alone time too. 


One rainy day when I laid out this paper and they colored on it all day.  Daddy even had fun with it too.  Calling his drawings “art?” LOL, his humor sometimes ;)  These boys don’t have an artistic chance with the two of us.  Not saying we need an artist but this is just not one of our great gifts.  Aunt Brittany better get here soon and teach them while they are moldable.  I actually saw in one of Bradley’s highlights books a step by step how to draw a horse with shapes and I said “Oh, Bradley this is great.  I can learn too with you!” Loser!


One day when we wanted to go to the park anyways.  I got them in somewhat coordinating clothes and attempted to get a group photo of them for Christmas cards.  Here are all the ones (some still good) that did not make the cut. 



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After that hard work it was time for a water break. 



This picture of Gavin is priceless! The funnier part is that I could have put my camera down and helped him get a drink of water.  If I was being a good mommy I wouldn’t even have this picture.  He can’t even reach it to drink even if he would have been able to push the button.  Seeing this picture afterwards was like a “Here’s your SIGN, MOM” moment that I had.  Notice, I said moment.  I will probably go back to neglecting them from time to time still. 





Easton has become a wonderful eater of so many varieties of food.  I will have to tell you all about it once I do his 11 month post.  I need to do that! He was 11 months on Wednesday. 


On a great note, Gavin now sleeps in a “big guy bed!!” Is everyone cheering hooray for him?  We were hesitant since he is the crazy fearless one but he LOVES it and we have not had any more issues than we already did.  He would climb out of his crib so we figured if he climbed out of the bed it would be the same work for us.  He does do that and falls asleep at the foot of the door sometimes.  We have to pry the door open while it moves him and then carry him into bed.  That has happened twice but this is night 5 and he is doing great.  We have a checklist we go down.  He has his 2 tigers and 2 monkeys and blanky. We say prayers and then kisses and love you’s! He is in Bradley’s twin bed and Bradley now sleeps in a double bed.  They are diagonal from each other sharing a room now to sleep! This transition has also NOT disrupted nap time.  He enjoys a good 3 hour nap daily in this bed. 


Last but certainly never least, we had some play time with our friends at the park. 


Waiting for Bradley and Sophia to slide down the toys. 


Gavin helping him put his shoes on.  Great attempt.  You have to start somewhere!


Discussing their plan to get them on and plan C; which is just to boycott wearing shoes all together. 


Bradley and Pia coloring. 

See, All RAD stuff!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fast Eagle Indian

“The Indians are creeping, shhhh, shhhh!  They do not make a sound as their feet touch the ground.”

This was the entrance song that Bradley or Fast Eagle walked out to and onto stage for his classes Thanksgiving program and feast. 

He really enjoyed it this year being and Indian as opposed to last year being a pilgrim.  Their outfits were neat and I especially liked how he thought of his name along with each child got to come up with their Indian name.  After the performance Bradley held my hand all the way and seated me at my seat which was labeled as the “Woodward Tribe.” He said to me this morning when I dropped him off, “Mom, don’t seat yourself, I am going to seat you at the table when we have the feast!” What a gentleman and I love how they really engrain these things in the kids.  I can always tell what is something he is telling me or if Miss Nina told him over and over again that when he says it back to me it sounds like her.  They really go all out with placemats, table centerpieces and tomato vegetable soup, cornbread muffins, popcorn, chocolate pudding and pumpkin pie with whipped cream.  Yesterday his class even when back to the kitchen and they let the kids help prepare all these special items for the feast.  I really think that is a great hands on teaching experience and Bradley and all the kids are so thrilled with themselves to put on this event for their family who they are thankful for. 


Here are the pictures from this very special morning with my own little Indian.



He loves being the line leader and got a chance for this special day.  They are making a “no-no” motion with their fingers for “they do not make a sound.”


Classic Bradley face when he knows we are looking at him and proud.  It is his happy face trying to break through his bashful, shy, don’t look at me face!




Definitely a great way to celebrate how much we are thankful for and just the spirit of Thanksgiving as they bring things back to where it all started with the Pilgrims and Indians eating together.  That is exactly what the room was filled with.  Today and everyday I am very thankful for this bright boy of ours. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Rewind and Weekend Visit

I wanted to share the pictures that I love that got set aside while I was doing birthday and other event posts. 

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Gavin ate 3 bananas in one hour.  Brad says every time he hears the fridge or cabinet open he thinks, “time to go back to work!” Easton looks so tiny to be doing all the exploring he is.  I think my heart is going to sink deep into my stomach the day my last little baby takes his first steps. 
The boys sharing goldfish since Easton can eat them now while watching a cartoon together before bed.  Gavin calls all TV a “movie” and has just now had the light bulb go off in his little brain that he can sit there and learn and understand. 
French Fries!
Look at this sweet moment they are sharing! Gavin is starting to want to play with him more and has also asked to “hold the baby.” So adorable.
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Easton’s turn to get inside and then Gavin decided to give him a ride.  He looks so tall and big!
Halloween balloon static hair.  Compliments of Daddy. 
A deep soak bath Gavin is enjoying.  Just relax and take a load off from your hard day buddy!
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He must have enjoyed bath time so much that he ran away from me halfway into getting his pajamas on and jumped back in! Bradley was screaming “Oh my gosh mom, he is getting in with his clothes on!!” 
Sharing and feeding Easton as usual. 
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Crawling away from mommy now when he needs to get dressed. 
Tunnel time together. 
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Reflection of happiness!

I think that is it for my rewind.  This weekend Mimi and Dunka came over to visit.  They were having withdrawls from their three NC angel grandchildren. 
How many can you fit in the tent?
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Easton getting his Dunka neck kisses that make each of them giggle…always! 
Gavin’s turn but he was fighting it more. 
Bradley loves it.  He said when they were on their way over “Mom, I can’t wait for Dunka to get here so he can give me those monster kisses he does all the time.  It’s so aggravating!” Code for he likes it but didn’t want to admit it. 
A new toy from Mimi (of course) so Daddy is putting it together.  Gavin handing him the batteries.  Little helpers waiting patiently. 
Easton crawled on me and laid on me and then starting sucking his thumb.  What a momma’s boy! I love it!
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Saturday night bath time while we got to go out on a date. 
Crazy Gavin was caught dragging this trash can on his foot. 
Last night’s bath was fun with bubbles!
So many moments to treasure.  It was a great weekend! The boys love their Mimi and Dunka and of course Bradley was very sad to see them go and is counting down the days until Thanksgiving.