LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Back to School Night and the 1st Day of Kindergarten!

This past Thursday Bradley had a Back To School night for him to meet his teacher and for us to get acclimated with the classroom and all that goes along with having a Kindergartener.  Bradley’s School is Pinehurst Elementary.  Home of the Dolphins and the mascot, Finny! This will now not only be Finny’s home but for the next year it will be Bradley’s home away from home.  I can not believe this day has come like a whirlwind.  Our first born is officially enrolled in the public school system. So, off we go…….



One of the views of the school.  It is a campus style with several different buildings and outdoor walkways.


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On this night we found out they do a staggered entry which is nice for the children and teachers not to be overwhelmed. Bradley and only four other children will go this Monday and then the other children were assigned either Tuesday or Wednesday and then they all go together on Thursday.


His Teacher!


So now here we are this morning! His very first day of Kindergarten. We were up at 6:15 getting ready for the 7:30 start day which is when he actually has to be in his seat at school. Luckily for me the school is 2 miles away.  I walked him in this morning and Brad stayed home with Gavin and Easton but by next week we will probably be doing carpool with friends and just dropping him off curbside!




Gavin was excited for his big brothers first day too! He keeps saying “Brawee go to Kindergarwen Mommy?!”


These boys are just so photogenic sometimes that I can’t choose only one picture!


The book bag is snapped, let’s ROCK this!


Learning his new routine.


Unloading first day school supplies.


Where he keeps his book bag and lunch box.  We look forward to going and eating lunch with him as a family or just Mommy then just Daddy throughout the year too!



His seat!  Hopefully I will remember to do this at the end of the year too and see the changes.

We will see him at 2:30.  He’s going to do great and mommy was telling him to be himself, do his best, make new friends but most importantly be a blessing to his teachers!


Liz said...

Yay!!! Great Job B Bear!!! I can't wait to take Pia tomorrow! I'm getting really nervous about it. Hopefully I'll hold it together.

The Marsh's said...

He looks SO happy and proud of himself to be starting kindergarten! What a big boy he is already!