LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Our 4th of July

This fourth of July was a little crazy for me without Brad.  He was away for work in Georgia.  A big thanks to the person who scheduled a course to be taught in Moody, GA during the week of the 4th.  Brad was working on that day and I don’t even think there small town had fireworks on Wednesday anyways. So our military deployed and even some stateside were busy working and training for their country on it’s Birthday so we could enjoy so many celebrations in its honor!



There are many times I opt out of making myself crazy bringing three wild boys to public functions with no help.  Well, today was an exception to that! I took the boys in the morning to our towns parade.  It was so festive with so much red white and blue. Right when we got there the Cold Stone truck had people jump off and hand the boys little cups of free ice cream.  It was perfect at 10 am!


We heard bag pipes. 


Saw our normal historic charm.


Fire Trucks.

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An Ambulance and puppies on parade.


Local Awanas chapter.  Which here I have not found a church that does Awanas on the week nights.  It is part of their Sunday school and since our church doesn’t have Awanas we cant be in two places at once.  Such a bummer as I loved Awanas when I was young and it would be nice to have the boys grow up in it.


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After they had sugar running through their veins I headed straight for the park.

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Check out my outfit Aunt Wiz!! It was our 4th of July best. Easton was really somber when he was in the stroller and he LOVES the park and outdoors.  He just lights up! He is also a major people person and had a conversation in his own words with everyone there. 


A pleasant surprise that we ran into our friends.  Sarah and her two kids Matthew and Brooke.

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What climbs up…….


Must slide down!


I was trying to push them to their max so they would nap late since we would be out late for the fireworks. After there Red, White and Blue lunch we ALL took a nap!


For dinner we headed to our friends house.  Zach, Megan and Wyatt’s.  Here is Wyatt and his neighbor Ben in the middle with the boys.  Megan got them festive 4th beads. Right after this picture my camera battery died.  I was not prepared but it is bound to happen with constantly having my camera with me.


Lastly, we went to our local spot to see the fireworks.  Right off the back of the golf course.  Me with my big boy!


With the girls,  Megan and Amanda.  Or as Gavin was calling her “Samantha” then it turned to “Manda Panda.”  The rest of the pictures were phone pictures and I am lame and still don’t have a flash on my phone.  Unfortunately I did not get a picture of Gavin sitting on Megan’s lap so calmly and describing every firework.  They were each very quiet and in awe but excited at the same time.  I couldn’t have asked for better behaved boys that night. Before it got dark Easton was running around to everyone’s blanket and crouching down and saying “roar” to them! Remember, he is the people person. I sat him up in the stroller during the fireworks show and he took a cue from Bradley and was pointing and even started saying “WOW” and “Look” 


Shadow of Ben, Bradley and Wyatt.

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Happy Birthday America!

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