LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Stella June!

We have a new niece! As of Yesterday, July 15th at 12:24 am California time, Stella June Crenshaw, entered the world.  We are so happy for Brit and Ryan and Stella and Mommy are both perfectly happy and healthy.  She is the sweetest little peanut with lots of dark brown hair and green eyes. She weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and was 20 inches long.  Brit was in labor for 7 hours and pushed for 20 minutes.  She did an all natural birth in a birthing pool in their home. So proud of her! I tell myself some of my natural charm has rubbed off on her but she has done what I never did and took it to a whole new level.  I have loved watching her grow into a mother during her pregnancy and now she is a Mother in every sense of the word. 


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Mommy and Daddy enjoying their little “creation.”  Meet the “Crenshaw Crew.”


Bradley and Gavin are both so excited about their new baby girl cousin. Gavin calls her “Stewa” and they sent her a video wishing her a Happy Birthday and Congrats to Aunt Britty and Uncle Ry!

Hopefully we get to meet her soon! What a blessing, seriously! God is GOOD! Congrats little Crenshaw family!


two girls, a boy and a blog said...

MY FIRST NIECE!! I am so excited!!

Nicole said...

She's beautiful!! Glad everyone is doing well, hope you get to see her soon! :)

The Marsh's said...

Awwww how sweet! She's so precious!!