LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Last Week’s Update


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Last Tuesday, Brad gave Gavin a haircut.  It took him a while and he was very frazzled by the end.  He was very precise and the end result turned out great. A lot better than after leaving a Great Clips the past two times. Gavin does not like getting his hair cut and even with all my tricks he just cant hang long enough for the women to finish or clean up the mistakes. At least with Daddy he was forced to stay put until Brad cleaned up all the messed up areas. Gavin did good but no matter what I do he still gets hair on him and then starts to get antsy, then “Sit still” is said one too many times and tears begin.

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On Wednesday afternoon Bradley had swim class and when we got back Mimi, Dunka, Bella, Holden and Uncle Billy had arrived! They came for one night on Mimi and Dunka’s cross country trip to move back to California officially. Billy and the kids were being dropped off at Granddad's to drive an RV camper home.

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They boys still love their little fort/blocks corner.

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Kids and their electronics.  Eventually, Bella taught Bradley how to play Solitaire on Mimi’s laptop.

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Before bed getting the “silly’s” out with Uncle Billy.

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I’m not sure who needed to get the “silly’s” out more.  The boys or Billy?!

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Some of their Grandbabies.  Missing Madelyn (who wanted to have Mommy alone time so stayed back) and Stella.



The boys of the family!

They had to leave early the next morning to get on the road if they were going to make good time driving cross country. It was short but there visit was sweet!


After that we just got back to our normal week here. Knocking out the schoolwork.  This was a shape collage project and Bradley pulled the “square” out of the drawing.  He chose to cut all his own squares and use them to practice writing his numbers.  He fit only 25 on there and titled it Power Numbers, “because numbers have power!”


We stayed busy going to the gym and going to Bradley’s swim class.  It’s funny because Bradley is the one in class and I have no pictures of him, only Gavin.  I let Gavin swim on the ramp while we wait. I learned my lesson when I took him to Bradley’s first swim class and he jumped in with all his clothes on.  So, we go in our bathing suits now, ready to jump in!


On Saturday, I took Bradley to the doctors to discover he has swimmers ear. You know, from swim class, mentioned above.  Sheesh! So, here he is before school this week.  Taking 10 minutes of laying down and letting his drops work. He had to sit out of swimming Monday but we will be back at it tomorrow after school.


We went to the park on Saturday after the doctors and naps. I should have taken a picture but I was the coolest Mom ever and rode Bradley’s scooter all the way around the track with Gavin on his scooter.  It was fun.  Which, also, I have been dreaming of a Hula Hoop lately, I want one for my birthday! They take you back to your youth and the boys don’t have one yet.  Even if they can’t master the hip action right away then there are tons of other uses!  The possibilities are endless! ha-ha! 


Easton kept pointing to get on Bradley’s bike.  Stop wanting to grow up so fast!!!


Sunday was a hang out day with Daddy and church.  Daddy left Monday to go out of town for work again.  It has been consistently every other week he has been traveling.  Good for the money but tough on us as a family.           

That is about it. More of the same going on this week!                  


The T.Goins said...

So funny about the hula hoop! I recently found mine from growing up stashed away in my parents garage. We took it home with us & I think I still love it as much as the kids. = ) Oh and, we always had to give Camden haircuts at home. He doesn't scream anymore, but we've mastered the art, so we figure we save some time/money out of it. I used to put a movie on the laptop & sit him on a stool in front of it and he magically didn't care so much about the haircut anymore = )

Liz said...

All those kids are precious, and I can't believe Bella and that solitaire. You really did need that charger back, haha! And, oh my goodness, Easty on the bike??? He really needs to stop growing up... think you could do something about that for me? :)