LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mommy Volunteers

On Monday I volunteered in Bradley’s Kindergarten class. I had a lot of fun and it was an enlightening experience.  Prior to I was having a little anxiety about sending Bradley off to school and just getting used to having one of my children (not me) in the public school system.  In the beginning it definitely feels like a drastic change from Preschool. Don’t get me wrong, Bradley’s school is ranked one of the best which is why we chose to live in Pinehurst.  It was just all me and my dramatics and worries messing with my mind and emotions. I am feeling more at ease now and hope to volunteer more at different time slots and different days to be able to put all the pieces together.  Here is some of what we did.

I arrived and went to the office and got my volunteer badge then headed over to the cafeteria.  He eats lunch at 11:15 and I got there a bit after so I knew he would already be eating.  Luckily some teachers were walking by and were able to let me in.  I had forgotten that all the doors of each building on the campus lock from the outside and you have to have a staff key to open them.  All doors except the main entrance which leads right to the main office.


At first Bradley did not want to sit with me.  There wasn’t an open seat next to him so I sat at a different table next to his with a different class and he wouldn’t sit with me.  A little later that class was done and got up and I became the “kid” that sat and ate their lunch alone.  Until….one of the sweet Janitor women who know Bradley said “Bradley, is this your Mom?  Get over here and sit with her!!” She actually helped move his lunch over next to me.  I thought that was nice that even the ladies in the cafeteria take time to get to know the kids.


After lunch we walked to the playground. There is a line leader and door holder that Mrs. Wilson picks each day.


All the kids throw their lunchboxes on the picnic table and quickly run for the fun!



This was their first day on their BRAND NEW playground.  It was being worked on last week so they were ready!

They all had to sit and listen to the rules since it was new and had new gadgets.



The Tilt- A – Wheel I call it. They balance and it moves while they walk.  If they stop walking then it falls back and they go for a spin!

After this they all lined up, got a head count, and headed back to the class. Next was Rest Time and they do different activities one by one while it is quiet.  Like, Mrs. Wilson had a few at her table working on a project and I got the job of reading with all 20 kids, one at a time! I sat at a little desk and called one up to practice reading the book in their homework folder for that night and I had to quiz them on their “Sight” words. Then that child would go quietly tap on the next child when they were laying down and tell them it was their turn. I got to do this about 20 times. Hooray for me!  I think Mrs. Wilson must have needed a break since I got the busy work.


My handsome Kindergartener!


After we were done with all of that then they woke up.  She had them present their homework shape projects one by one.  The kids would all give a round of applause to each other by clapping in a circle.  It was so cute. If ever anyone was acting up or restless she says to remind them to sit still “Criss Cross Applesauce, Spoons in the bowl!” I had never heard the end before and I love it! Very clever.


I took this as a reference for me.


After that was snack time. They also eat out on their picnic table patio a lot too which is right outside their room.  This is Bradley’s seat and all the kids at his table. Jack, Sophia, Ivy, Kenneth, and Hailey.  When they finish their snack they grab a book and read.


After that they played a letter matching game on their “Smart Board.”  She was giving them a lesson so they could do the same in the computer lab they go to once a week also. I saw the bucket on the dry erase board next to it.  Bradley had mentioned it before that they are working towards earning a Bubble Party. Looks like they only need one more. Another thing they do in his class and in the whole school is ask “Are you filling buckets?” They teach the children that by helping, listening, doing kind things and saying nice words they can fill each others buckets.  You dip into peoples buckets by doing the opposite of those things. I really liked that concept and am going to try to use it more in our house, especially, since Brad and I have always told each other “ I love you Bucketsfull” and now tell the boys that too.


They got so excited when someone got a match!


Then they get packed up with their book bags and sit back on the rug and they can not line up until they name a popcorn word which is really their sight words she keeps adding onto. At 2:30 they walk out and sit under a tree and wait for their parents or the bus riders walk to the bus.


This is Bradley’s friend Alex and his Mom and I have been carpooling.  We split the week up evenly.  It helps for me to not have to put Gavin and Easton in the car every weekday, twice a day! I love Carpool!


I did not get a picture of Bradley and I at school.  I didn’t want to bug his teacher and even though it was a learning experience for me, I really was there to just help.  The teachers do so much and have their hands full so they welcome parent volunteers with open arms.  Also, while Bradley was on the playground after lunch I realized “Oh, my gosh, I dressed in the same colors as Bradley!” I had totally forgot what he left the house in that morning. Another major OOPS by mommy and a glimpse into my brain malfunctions from being on overload so much! Daddy got a kick out of this and would not stop teasing me so had to take our picture. Aside from the fashion disaster, it was a great day with Bradley and his class! Bradley later told Daddy “ I didn’t like Mommy there for lunch but I did like it when she was in my classroom!” Who knows! I can’t win so Daddy will be going to eat lunch with him next. 

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