LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Party House

Here is an update for the Woody family. The past two weekends we have been to some birthday parties and also there is just some pictures of us at the house. 

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Last Saturday we went to Wyatt’s Birthday party.  He turned 4 and here he is posing with the shirt I had for Bradley when he turned 4.  I figured it needed some wear since Gavin couldn’t use it for another year. I, of course, got all pictures of kids and none of the adults.  I am so bad at that. I think I just like kid pictures better!



It was a Wet N’ Wild Anything Under the Sea party.



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Easton loves saying “Cheese” for the camera.  I don’t have to prompt him even, he just sees the camera and does this.

As you can see.  He gets pretty into it!



He raked and swept the whole party!


Meet Ally! She has been on the blog before. She is betrothed to Easton one day.  This is our friend Molly and Zeb’s little girl.  They have the exact same hair and I would just love a little girl just like her.  The catch is though since there is no guarantee of what you get then Brad and I will not be trying for an Ally double.


She was not impressed with Easton’s “Mmmmmmm” going in for a kiss.

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Now here we are this past week during some down times at the house.  We have been pretty busy lately with Brad being out of town every other week, Bradley in school and swim class and Myself working out 5 days a week and gearing up for MOPS which I will be in again this year after a two year break.

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They love their pajama pose pictures!





Another nights pajama pictures.  As you can see they snuck apples in my bed one night and the next night string cheese. I can’t keep up!



My crazy haired sweet boy!



Easton letting himself fall. This is the first time I have seen him do this which for my just means he is growing more fearless.


My sweetheart Gavin who says to me several times daily now “mommy, you my Princess!” Then I tell him “And you’re my Prince Charming” and we kiss! We also have agreed that Daddy, Bradley and Easton are “codes” also known as toads!


He always hikes his pants up past his belly button!

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Easton can be found doing this a lot or with his hands down his diapers.  It’s not that he hasn’t found it a while before it is just that now I guess he quiet enjoys this time with himself and while sucking his thumb.  As often as I can I put him in one piece pajamas and rompers.  I hope this phase passes soon because 24 month rompers which is as high as I have seen them go up to will be too small for him soon.


This Saturday I had my first MOPS gathering.  A day Steering retreat for the leaders.  I will be a discussion group leader this year. I got a sitter at home for Gavin and Easton while Bradley went with friends to a all day water extravaganza.  He was under the care of my friends husband and he had there three boys to watch too.  Bradley had so much fun hanging out with his friend James. I got home from my event, Bradley got dropped off right after and Brad got home from the airport all at 4 o’clock.  We then an hour later went to another party (above) for our friend Zach’s birthday! Thankfully after the whirlwind Saturday we have had a low key Sunday today. 

1 comment:

Liz said...

Sounds like we both deserved a low key Sunday!!! I love the pj pics and the Princess/Prince story. He is actually pretty nice to call his other siblings toads. I don't even want to know what poor Chaser would be called by Sophia, haha!! Great update, and we'll work on getting your pretty little face in these pics too. ;)