LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bradley’s Spring Program

Another year, another school program.  It never seems to get old though when it is about your kids and being proud of them! On March 29th Bradley and his preschool class took the stage. They worked very hard learning words and skits to six different songs that they showed off for their Animal Antics performance.  This night was a good night for Bradley but not so much for mommy.


I forgot to dress him in a white shirt like stated on this paper that I just found today and read.  I also forgot my camera since I was rushing (as always) out the door.  All the pictures are compliments of Liz.  Thanks so much! Bradley I am glad you did not notice your clothes against all your friends and I hope you are getting used to this because I am sure I will drop the figurative ball on many other things in your lifetime.


Bradley had a part in song four. Teasing Mr. Alligator.  He was Mr. Alligator himself! He did really good being a mean serious alligator who “snapped those monkeys right out of that tree.”




That will teach them to tease! ;)


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Daddy, Easton and Gavin watching the show! Gavin will be up on stage in the two year old class next year.  He was already practicing doing the motions and repeating the words and clapping for himself.


The Alligator and The Mouse! Normally not seen together in the wild as friends but for tonight they were!

Since I forgot the camera.  I handled the video taking with the ever trusty iPhone!

[ Mr. Alligator ]


[ Little Bunny Foo- Foo ]

[ Gavin’s Performance ]

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