LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

These Boys…..

are so many things rolled into one! Brad and I are loving every second of our parenting these boys.  Knowing that we are only just beginning, planting seeds and setting the foundations.  That can be tedious work at times but we are excited and will be eternally thankful to see the fruits of our labor some day when they are all grown up.  Praying we do it right too of course! Meanwhile were just eating up these tiny hands, toes and little moments with them trying to heed the all too heard of advice “they grow up so quickly, treasure this time.”
First time they all sat together at their table outside.  We moved Easton’s booster seat onto the chair.  Here he is saying “cheese” for real when I am taking the picture (he trains quickly;).  One of his  10 or so words we have caught him saying! Pretty good though we think!  This was so sweet them eating close together and giggling.
Gavin having a mandatory “hug it out” moment with Daddy.  He is becoming quite the momma’s boy lately.  He gets really sad and square lipped when he gets in trouble from Daddy and comes running and crying to mommy but this time Brad made him go to him and calm down.  Daddy just can’t stand that I’ve got one of them!! ha-ha!
His eyebrows get red and blotchy like mine do when we cry!
 007 010
Easton’s current favorite “toy.” It’s not really a toy, it is a Spiderman roll along suitcase but he thinks it is so much fun.  He pulls it and pushes it everywhere, then unzips it and plops down in it and sucks his thumb. 
Some “serious” building going on!
He loves Daddy’s yogurt and I have caught him scooping it with his fingers after ripping it open himself or punching the cap in.  He never learns when it comes to food!  The light & fit logo must keep him coming back.  I knew Brad wouldn’t eat it after his germy hands were in it so I had to let him eat it or it would have gone to waste.  I hate to succumb to this but we really may need to get a fridge lock!
Make sure you don’t miss any Gavin!

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