LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pre Easter Festivities

I am so behind.  It is because we traveled for Easter so that always happens.  Here is some great ones I found on my camera of all our pre Easter festivities and more madness and cuteness with the boys.

First Up, an annual Easter egg hunt at the Marchun house. 


Cocoa Rice Krispie Treat Eggs dipped in chocolate and sprinkled Easter eggs.  Bradley and I made them together.  I was glad everyone liked them since they were a little time consuming for me.  It was worth seeing Bradley make sprinkle concoctions in the kitchen though. 




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Easton was so funny chilling in this spot.  I think he lost his footing in a slight incline and decided to stay there and sun bathe. He was not interested in egg hunting.  Just opening them and stealing what’s inside and dropping the egg.


Bib Bubbly fun!


What’s even more fun is jumping in the bubbly bucket and washing your feet. Nice Gavin.  I swear we really can not take you anywhere.




This day was also Amanda’s Birthday. To make a connection.  Amanda (the one in the long dress) is our friend Dan who died in combat, his girlfriend he left behind.

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Carter jumped in and stole her wish.  He made his momma proud with his grin! When you are a women and you are in your thirty’s, you don’t care about blowing out all those candles.  In fact, you would much rather not so she did not mind Carter having all the fun.


James. Bradley. Wyatt.


The boys lasted from 3 to 10 here and came home filthy dirty from head to toe.  They played their little hearts out outside with all their friends.


So blurry unfortunately but Brad and Pat were whooping it up for the camera teasing me!

Next Up, Bradley’s Easter party for school at Ava & Graham’s house. 


Miss Nina with her class.  She is such a wonderful teacher.  We will miss her next year lots.


Liz took all these pictures for me.  As a mom you just can’t make them all.  As independent as my little man seems to be these days I am sure he didn’t even notice I wasn’t there.





The box Miss Nina popped out of!


Enjoying all the goodies found.

Now onto the next up, egg dying at my house.


Very simple eggs but they turned out so pretty. 


Gavin upset because I only had two whisks to use to dip the eggs and he did not have one at the moment.  Tragic! It. Really. Was. Really.



Lastly for my update, Gavin and Bradley.


Gavin caught after he climbed up high, got down, hid then unwrapped all my bribery/”need a haircut” lollipops.

He unwrapped them here then put them in the jar again and took them under the blue table where I guess he is still hiding and I can’t see him?

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He proceeded to lick each and every one therefore claiming them.  We all know once you lick a lollipop, it’s yours for the keeping! He did get in trouble as he always does.  I had to take a picture before in true “caught on camera” fashion.  Getting in trouble doesn’t phase him too long though and the proof is that I keep on having crazy pictures and stories of him to blog about.


Bradley and Gavin playing “Night – Night.” Here Bradley was actually playing the game with me where he doesn’t want his picture taken so he tries to outwit my shutter speed and not be caught with his eyes open.  What a witty stinker!


On the other couch, Gavin was ready for the camera!


I left the messiest for last.  I was washing dishes and couldn’t hear that someone snuck out of bed when I thought they were asleep.  I entered my room to find this.


“Gavin, where are you?” 


“Gavin, get out from under the bed!”


He brought his partner in crime with him!



As you would imagine I said he as supposed to be in bed so I did send him to bed with a diaper and pajama bottoms on.  I spanked him then took him to his bed to find it dowsed in powder way worse than this along with his diaper and pants there.  He must have just wanted a powder fresh bottom! ;)


That’s all for now.  Our week before Easter!


Caleb's mom said...

so much FUN! ha ha

The Marsh's said...

Hahaha never a dull moment with those boys!!!